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2.1.1 (02/23): updating referrals to new versions ZIB url. 2.2.0 (03/23): added OccupancyQuality, OccupancyValue and hasOccupancyObject plus explicit inverse OP.
Roxane Segers
Zorginsituut Nederland (https://www.zorginstituutnederland.nl)
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Roxane Segers. Een Ontologie voor de Nederlandse Zorg-Generiek. Revision: 2.1.1 (02/23): updating referrals to new versions ZIB url. 2.2.0 (03/23): added OccupancyQuality, OccupancyValue and hasOccupancyObject plus explicit inverse OP.. Retrieved from: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#2.2.0
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onz-g 2.0.0
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Een Ontologie voor de Nederlandse Zorg-Generiek

Ontology Specification Draft


This is 'A Ontology for Dutch Care' or 'ONZ-G', developed within the KIK-V programme (2019-2023) of the Dutch National Healthcare Institute. The ONZ-G is a domain-independent top and midlevel ontology that provides shared concepts, properties and design patterns for several domain-dependent domain ontologies about quality of care in Dutch care institutions. The upper parts of ONZ-G are modeled following (parts of) the Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering (DOLCE). See: http://www.loa.istc.cnr.it/dolce/overview.html.

Een Ontologie voor de Nederlandse Zorg-Generiek: Overzicht
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Deze ontologie heeft de volgende klassen en eigenschappen.





Concrete exemplaren

Kruisverwijzing voor Een Ontologie voor de Nederlandse Zorg-Generiek klassen, objecteigenschappen en data-eigenschapen
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Deze sectie geeft details voor elke klasse en eigenschap gedefinieerd door Een Ontologie voor de Nederlandse Zorg-Generiek.


Abnormale morfologische eigenschapc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#AbnormalOrganicMorphologyQuality

Note that AbnormalOrganicMorphology includes subclasses (e.g. onz-g:Wound) that intuitively may seem to be a CorpuscularObject or OrganicObject. Note however that Wound is a condition that inheres in some Human and denotes the absence of or damage to some tissue. As such, it can not be an Object.
Editorial: AbnormalOrganicMorphologyQuality is BiologicalQuality which may inhere in some Organism as a result of e.g. some InjuringEvent, PathologicalProcess or the existence of some DiseaseOrSyndrome in that Organism.
Examples: a bone being broken, a wound, an ulcer, a pimple, a blister, etc.
heeft superklassen
Organische eigenschap c
heeft subklassen
Laesie c

Abstract informatieobjectc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#InformationObject

Note that InformationObjects are not te be confused with tangible Objects. InformationObjects have no weight and can not be touched. InformationObjects can be 'materialized' in books, digital formats and other content bearing objects. Also, note that InformationObjects can only have InformationObjects as their parts. For the relation between InformationObject and ContentBearingObject, the onz-g defined the onz-g:bears and onz-g:borneBy properties.
Editorial: InformationObject is a NonPhysicalEndurant that represents 'information' or a 'message'.
'informatie', 'boodschap', 'inhoud', etc.
Examples are: 'the content of a letter or email', 'the content of your employment contract', 'the information in your patient record', 'the address of your friend', etc.
heeft superklassen
Niet-fysieke endurant c
heeft subklassen
Classificatiesysteem c, Financieel informatieobject c, Identifier-informatieobject c, Lijst c, Maatschappelijk informatieobject c, Medische gegevens c
is in domein van
definieert op, definieert formeel op, gaat over op
is in bereik van
formeel gedefinieerd door op, gedefinieerd door op, is onderwerp van op

Abstracte eigenschapc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#AbstractQuality

Note that Qualities may also inhere in other Qualities. For instance, if John has a PressureUlcer (a BiologicalQuality), then some additional quality such as onz-g:MedicalRatingQuality can be used to indicate the stage or severity of the ulcer according to some onz-g:MedicalClassificationSystem.
Editorial: AbstractQuality is a Quality that inheres in NonPhysicaEndurants and other Qualities.
heeft superklassen
Eigenschap of kenmerk c
heeft subklassen
Financiële waarde eigenschap c, Normatieve waarde eigenschap c

Abstracte entiteitc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#AbstractParticular

As an example: the idea of the number *14* is an AbstractParticular that has no inherent attributes that extend in time or space. Note however that '14' can be a specific value of some attribute at some time, meaning that the idea of *14* is 'materialized'.
DOLCE: The main characteristic of abstract entities is that they do not have spatial nor temporal qualities, and they are not qualities themselves.
heeft superklassen
Particular c
heeft subklassen
Meeteenheid c, Waarde c
is disjunct met
TijdEnPlaatsGebondenEntiteit c

Abstracte rolc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#AbstractRole

Loebe (2007): Abstract roles can be functionally characterized in a uniform manner, namely as a mechanism of viewing some entity – namely the player – in a defined context, i.e., in a more complex entity with interrelated other “notional components”. Put differently, players of abstract roles are looked at in an external manner in contrast to viewing them as self-contained entities focusing on their internals like their properties or parts.
heeft superklassen
Rol c
heeft subklassen
Gifrol c, Preventierol c, Symptoom c, Voedselrol c, Vrijheidsbeperkende rol of functie c

Abstracte waardec
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#AbstractValue

Instances of AbstractValue are atomic regions or qualia in some value space. Our conception of AbstractValue comes close to dul:AbstractRegion where the focus is on the region, not the qualia. Due to this difference, we defined no mapping from this class to DOLCE.
Editorial: Instances of AbstractValue express values of abstract qualities such as EducationLevel, EmotionalState and SeverityOfMedicalCondition.
heeft superklassen
Waarde c
heeft subklassen
Financiële waarde c, Normatieve waarde c, Subjectieve waarde c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Account

Editorial: Account is an Agreement that expresses some arrangement about providing some service from one party to another, often but not necessarily in exchange for some compensation.
Examples: 'a bank account', 'a user account', 'an email account', 'a Facebook account', etc.
heeft superklassen
Overeenkomst c
heeft subklassen
Financieel account c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ActivitiesOfDailyLifeValue

For an extensive set of standardized and descriptive values such as 'does not shower self', 'difficulty feeding self', 'does perform dressing activity', we refer to SNOMED. Alternatively, values as defined and standardized in the Barthel Index may be used. Note that this Barthel Index has been modeled as an instance of onz-g:MedicalClassificationSystem.
Editorial: Instances of ActivitiesOfDailyLifeValue express whether and/or to what degree some Human is capable to execute actions associated with self care
heeft superklassen
Organisme-eigenschapswaarde c

Administratief gebiedc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#AdministrativeRegion

Editorial: AdministrativeRegion is a GeographicArea that has been allocated for administrative and collaborative purposes by some GovernmentOrganization and/or ServiceOrganization.
Specifieke voorbeelden voor Nederland zijn 'zorgregio', 'veiligheidsregio', 'zorgkantoorregio'.
heeft superklassen
Geografisch gebied c

Administratief informatieobjectc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#AdministrativeInformationObject

AdministrativeInformationObject is a SocialInformationObject that expresses (uniformized) conceptions as they function specifically and exclusively in the administrative realm.
heeft superklassen
Maatschappelijk informatieobject c
heeft subklassen
Financieel-administratief informatieobject c, Zorg-administratief informatieobject c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Address

Note that the parts of some Address such as 'postcode' or 'domicile' are InformationObjects as well.
Address is a LocalizablePlaceInformationObjects that represents a set of standardized information to identify some LocalizablePlace.
heeft superklassen
Localiseerbaar-gebiedsidentifier c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#DecreasingEvent

DecreasingEvent is the subclass of QuantityChangeEvent where the quantity of some Entity becomes less.
'afname', 'inkrimpen', 'verminderen', 'dalen', 'krimp', etc.
Examples: 'the stock value dropped significantly', 'he cut down on his alcohol intake', 'the nurse reduced the administrative effort', 'the population declines'.
heeft superklassen
Verandering in hoeveelheid c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Agent

sumo:"Something or someone that can act on its own and produce changes in the world."
heeft superklassen
Rol c
heeft subklassen
Cognitieve agens c

Agens semantische rolc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#AgentCaseRole

Examples: "MARY hit John." "A FALLING ROCK broke my left arm."
Editorial: An AgentCaseRole is played by an active participant, either animate or inanimate, of some Perdurant, with or without intention.
heeft superklassen
Semantische rol c

Anatomisch clusterc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#AnatomicalCluster

FMA: "anatomical structure, each instance of which has as it direct parts a heterogeneous collection of some instances of two or more subclasses of anatomcial structure, which are spatially related to one another; the collections as a whole does not satisfy the definition of any other subclass of anatomical structure. Examples: root of lung, back, anatomical snuffbox, motor unit, juxtaglomerular complex."
heeft superklassen
Menselijke anatomische entiteit c

Anatomische entiteitc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#AnatomicalEntity

AnatomicalEntity is an OrganicObject "which is generated by coordinated expression of the organisms own genes that guide its morphogenesis; has inherent 3D shape; its parts are connected and spatially related to one another in patterns determined by coordinated gene expression." Definition derived from: The Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology (FMA). (http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma.owl)
heeft superklassen
Organisch object c
heeft subklassen
Dier-anatomische entiteit c, Plant-anatomische entiteit c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Pharmacist

Wikipedia: 'Pharmacist is the HealthcareProfessionRole of a Human who is an expert in the use of medicines and deals with the composition, effects, mechanism of action and proper and effective use of drugs.'
heeft superklassen
Zorgprofessional c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Artifact

In general, we consider all human-made PhysicalObjects to be an Artifact, where 'making' has some intentional aspect. The result of the making may be an unwanted or unsuccesful product. As such, 'intentional' does only imply that some decision preceded the making process. Note that other Artefacts such as machines can be involved in the making of another Artefact. In the definition, we deliberately stated that CognitiveAgents and not only Humans need to be involved in the making of some Artefact. This allows to include other Organisms that may or may not be considered an CognitiveAgent and capable of producing Artifacts. Also note that Objects that are the result of some autonomous biological process such as 'tears' and 'feces' are NOT considered to be Artifacts.
Editorial: Artifact is an Object that is the result of some CreationOfArtifact and carried out by some CognitiveAgent.
heeft superklassen
Corpusculair object c
heeft subklassen
Bewerkt voedingsartefact c, Engineering component c, Farmaceutisch artefact c, Fysiek hulpmiddel c, Informatiedragend artefact c, Onverplaatsbaar artefact c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#MedicalDoctor

Wikipedia: 'MedicalDoctor is a HealthcareProfessionRole of a human who practises medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining, or restoring health through the study, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments.'
heeft superklassen
Zorgprofessional c
heeft subklassen
Geriater c, Huisarts c, Psychiater c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#AssistingProcess

We refer to SnoMed http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/SNOMEDCT/119265000 ('Assisting') for a set of potential domain specific concepts for Helping. For onz-g, we included only the subclass AssistWithDailyLivingActivity.
Editorial: AssistingProcess is an IntentionalProcess where some Person gives assistence to another Person in performing some task or activity.
'helpen', 'assisteren', 'ondersteunen',
Examples are: 'the nurse assisted the surgeon during the operation', 'he helped the toddlers with getting dressed', 'he gave assistence to the new IT department'.
heeft superklassen
Menselijke interactie (proces) c
heeft subklassen
Assisteren bij ADL c

Assisteren bij ADLc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#AssistWithDailyLivingActivity

For a specific set of AssistingWithDailyLivingActivities, we refer to SnoMed 'Assisting with activity of daily living' (http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/SNOMEDCT/304560004).
Editorial: AssistWithDailyLivingActivity is the subclass of AssistingProcess where some Human gives assistence to another Human in performing some activity associated with daily living such as 'going to the toilet', 'getting dressed'.
Examples are: 'the nurse fed the patient some apple sauce', 'he assisted her in the bathroom', 'she got him undressed for the night'.
heeft superklassen
Assisteren c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#HearingInstrumentSpecialist

Editorial: HearingInstrumentSpecialist is the ProfessionRole of a Human who assesses Humans with hearing problems and who advises and tailors some hearing aid to improve the auditory perception.
heeft superklassen
Beroeps- of ambachtsrol c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#AuditEvent

Editorial: AuditEvent is an InvestigationEvent where some Human or GroupOfHumans carries out a methodical examination or review of some condition or situation.
heeft superklassen
Meet- of vaststelgebeurtenis c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#AuditReport

Editorial: Auditrapport is een Rapport waarin verslag wordt gedaan van de observaties, bevindingen en conclusies van een controle van een Organisatie op een specifiek aspect zoals bijvoorbeeld financieel beheer of naleving van bepaalde kwaliteits- of veiligheidsnormen.
heeft superklassen
Rapport c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Bacterium

Editorial: Bacterium is a single celled organism that has no chlorophyll and reproduces asexually.
heeft superklassen
Organisme c

BBL-Verzorgende IG niveau 3c
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#AssistentNurseApprentice

Editorial: BBL Verzorgende IG niveau 3 is de Rol van een Persoon die in het kader van de Wet Educatie- en Beroepsonderwijs een Beroepsbegeleidende opleiding Verzorgende IG volgt en een Arbeidsovereenkomst heeft met een Zorgorganisatie.
heeft superklassen
Leerling-werknemer c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#BedRail

De primaire functie van een Bedhek is gericht op het voorkomen van vallen; binnen de Verpleeghuiszorg kan een Bedhek overigens ook worden toegepast als een zogenoemde 'vrijheidsbeperkende maatregel'. Anders gezegd: een Stoel en een Tafel zijn beide Artefacten met een primaire functie; daarnaast kan een Tafel voor allerlei niet-primaire functies worden gebruikt zoals 'een doorgang blokkeren' en 'zitten'. In onz-g zijn Artefacten gemodelleerd volgens hun primaire functie. Aangezien 'vrijheidsbeperking' een belangrijke secundaire functie is van sommige Artefacten binnen het domein, is deze secundaire functie gemodelleerd als een Rol, meer specifiek de onz-g:FreedomRestrictionRole die als extra label kan worden meegegeven. Dus als twee patienten een bed hebben met een bedhek, dan kun je instantieren dat bij patient 1 het bedhek is geplaatst als vrijheidsbeperkende maatregel en bij patient 2 niet: 'bedhek bij patient 1' onz-g:Bedhek a EngineeringComponent hasRole FreedomRestrictionRole 'bedhek bij patient 2' onz-g:Bedhek a EngineeringComponent
Editorial: Bedhek is een EngineeringComponent dat, indien toegepast op een Bed, is bedoeld om te voorkomen dat een Persoon uit Bed valt.
heeft superklassen
Engineering component c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Business

Editorial: Bedrijf is een Organisatie die producten en/of diensten levert in ruil voor een financiele vergoeding en daarbij een winstoogmerk heeft.
'bedrijf', 'onderneming', 'eigen zaak', 'start-up', etc.
heeft superklassen
Organisatie c
heeft subklassen
Handelsonderneming c, Uitzendbureau c, Verzekeringsmaatschappij c, Zorgorganisatie c

Beroeps- en functieclassificatiesysteemc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ProfessionalQualificationClassificationSystem

Editorial: Instances of ProfessionalQualificationClassificationSystem are descriptive structures that provide some shared organization and definition of the responsibilities and complexity of some professional position, function or role.
Voorbeelden: 'functiehuis', 'functieboek', het 'Nederlands Kwalificatieraamwerk', etc.
heeft superklassen
Classificatiesysteem c
heeft leden
Nederlands Kwalificatieraamwerk ni

Beroeps- of ambachtsrolc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#OccupationalRole

Note that some Human can be e.g. a nurse or teacher without being employed as such. For occupational positions that depend on the employment and/or employment contract that someone has, we refer to onz-g:OccupationalPositionRole.
Editorial: OccupationalRole is the Role of a Human who has had some form of professional training or a specific education and has the credentials to carry out a set of skilled tasks.
heeft superklassen
Sociale rol c
heeft subklassen
Audicien c, Opticien c, Professioneel bewindvoerder c, Zorgprofessional c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#DamagingEvent

Note that some damaging event will result in some situation or state of 'damagedness' that can be time-indexed with a beginning and sometimes and end (also called a Situation, see: gUFO:Situation). For now however, we consider to model 'damagedness', not as Situations or States but as a Quality that inheres in some Entity. Situations where some quality exists for some time period may be instantiated in a later phase, depending on information need, availability of data and more specific requirements. See also: onz-g:Situation and the explanation provided for this class.
Editorial: DamagingEvent is an InternalChange where some Agent or cause induces a situation where some entity no longer functions/develops normally or as intended.
Examples: 'the rock broke the wind shield of their car' ; 'The cat dented the fresh concrete floor'; 'The dictator damaged the peace process with his remarks' (metaphorical use).
heeft superklassen
Interne verandering c
heeft subklassen
Verwonden c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ProtectingProcess

Editorial: ProtectingProcess is an IntentionalProcess that is carried out by some CognitiveAgent with the intention to decrease the chance of some Damaging or Injuring or Destruction to happen to some PhysicalObject, such as Humans and Artifacts.
'toezicht', 'bewaken', 'beschermen', etc.
Examples: guarding.v, safeguard.v, shield.v, 'she protected him from falling down the stairs', 'the art collection was kept safe during the war', 'the surgeon was put under police protection'.
heeft superklassen
Intentioneel proces c

Bestuurlijke overheidsorganisatiec
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#GovernmentOrganization

Voor Nederland: de term 'Overheid' kan betrekking hebben op elke Organisatie die het hoogst bevoegde en uitvoerende gezag heeft over een bepaald fysiek gebied (provincie, gemeente, land, bisdom, diocees) of een maatschappelijk domein (bijvoorbeeld: Zorg en Welzijn). Daarmee is 'Overheid' een verzamelterm voor alle Organisaties die op enig niveau en onderwerp 'hoogst bevoegde gezag' hebben. Daarnaast wordt 'Overheid' in het dagelijks taalgebruik ook geassocieerd met Organisaties die diensten uitvoeren voor of namens een BestuurlijkeOverheidsOrganisatie Voor onz-g is nu de klasse BestuurlijkeOverheidsOrganisatie opgenomen voor die OverheidsOrganisaties die bestuurlijk gezag hebben en voor hun samenstelling direct (bijv. Gemeenteraad) of indirect (Provinciale Staten) beinvloed worden door democratische processen zoals verkiezingen. Voor overige Organisaties die geassocieerd worden met de term 'Overheid', maar geen uitvoerend gezag hebben op basis van een democratisch proces zoals een verkiezing, verwijzen we naar onz-g:PubliekeDienstOrganisatie.
Editorial: BestuurlijkeOverheidsorganisatie is een Organisatie die, op enig niveau, een GeopolitiekGebied bestuurt.
heeft superklassen
Organisatie c
heeft subklassen
Gemeentebestuur c, Ministerie c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#AnnualReport

Voor de Nederlandse situatie: Bestuursrapport is de officiele benaming volgens Wetboek en maakt deel uit van wat in de praktijk 'jaarrapport' wordt genoemd, samen met de Jaarrekening. Zie: Boek 2 van het Nederlandse Burgerlijk Wetboek, Titel 9, De jaarrekening en het bestuursverslag (artikelen 360-455).
Editorial: Bestuursrapport is een Rapport waarin de activiteiten van een Organisatie worden beschreven over het afgelopen jaar en is bedoeld beknopte informatie te geven over de stand van zaken voor andere belanghebbende Personen en Organisaties.
heeft superklassen
Rapport c

Beweeglijkheid van lichaamc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#BodyMotionCapability

Note that we do not model any specific body motion capabilities in onz-g. Instead, we refer to existing domain-specific sources for these, such as e.g. SNOMED and the Dutch ZIB. Note that in the Dutch ZIB, a set of specific capabilities is modeled that can be considered subtypes of this class. The specific values assigned to these capabilities should be modeled as instances of onz-g:BodyMotionValue using the quality region pattern.
Editorial: BodyMotionCapability is a BiologicalQuality that characterizes the capability of some Organism to move/translocate its body or some bodypart.
heeft superklassen
Organische eigenschap c

Bewerkt voedingsartefactc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PreparedFoodArtifact

Note that this class covers dishes, prepared drinks and processed food, i.e. any Substance, PlantAnatomicalStructure and/or AnimalAnatomicalStructure that has been altered in some intentional way by Humans into some Artefact to be ingested. Hence, an apple (the fruit) is NOT considered a PreparedFoodArtifact while 'apple pie' or 'apple juice' is. As an additional example, one can consider 'goat milk' as a PreparedFoodArtifact if it is pasteurized and skimmed, while it should be considered a BodySubstance in the context of mammal anatomy.
Editorial: PreparedFoodArtifact is some manipulated OrganicObject and/or Substance intended for ingestion by e.g. Humans in order to be metabolized into energy and body tissue.
Examples are: cappuccino, lasagne, chocolate, icecream, hotdog, tomato soup, etc.
heeft superklassen
Artefact c
heeft subklassen
Dieetvoedingsartefact c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#OccupancyQuality

Note that the OccupancyQuality does not imply that some Organism is necessarily always present in some StationaryArtifact. For example, a patient that occupies some room in a nursing home may be away for a few days. For stating that someone or something is at some place/location, e.g. 'he is in Amsterdam' see onz-g:SpatialQuality. For stating that something is (temporarily) located at some other Object , e.g. 'the book is on the table', see the object property onz-g:hasObjectLocation and the axiom defined for the class onz-g:CorpuscularObject.
OccupancyQuality is a RelationalQuality that inheres in StationaryArtifacts and characterizes that some StationaryArtifact such as a room, house, or hospital building is in use by some Organism(s), such as Humans.
Voorbeelden: 'deze kamer wordt bezet door twee patiënten', 'deze kamer is bezet', 'deze verdieping wordt niet gebruikt', 'het nestkastje is nu in gebruik door twee koolmezen'.
heeft superklassen
Relationele eigenschap c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#OccupancyValue

Instances of OccupancyValue express if or in what quantity some Organism occupies/uses some StationaryArtifact.
heeft superklassen
Relationele fysieke waarde c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Meeting

Editorial: Meeting is an IntentionalProcess where two or more CognitiveAgent are (digitally) together for the purpose of communication.
'bijeenkomst', 'vergadering', 'meeting', 'overleg', 'ontmoeten', 'samenkomen', 'consult', 'telefonisch consult', etc.
Examples: a lecture, a board meeting, a team meeting, a conference, a wedding, a funeral, a teleconference, a consultation, etc.
heeft superklassen
Menselijke interactie (proces) c
is in domein van
heeft onderwerp van bijeenkomst op

Biologisch procesc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#BiologicalProcess

Editorial: BiologicalProcess is a Process that is embodied in some Organism.
Examples: 'breathing', 'sweating', 'thinking', 'ovulating', 'bleeding', 'digestion', 'vomiting', 'atrophy', 'calcification', etc.
Voorbeelden: 'overgeven', 'atrofie', 'zweten', 'ovuleren', 'verkalken', 'vertering', 'denken', 'ademhalen', etc.
heeft superklassen
Statische perdurant c
heeft subklassen
Fysiologisch proces c, Pathologisch proces c, Psychologisch proces c

Biologisch-actieve substantiec
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#BiologicallyActiveSubstance

sumo: BiologicallyActiveSubstance is a "Substance that can induce a change in the structure or functioning of some Organism."
Examples are: nutrients such ascorbin acid; toxic substances such as botulinum toxin; therapeutic substances.
heeft superklassen
Substantie c
heeft subklassen
Therapeutische substantie c, Toxine c, Voedingsstof c

Biomedisch hulpmiddel of apparaatc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#BiomedicalDevice

Voorbeelden zijn: pleisters/gaas, beademingsapparaten, insulinepompen, catheters, sondebuisjes, stomazakken, etc.
heeft superklassen
Fysiek hulpmiddel c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Receipt

Editorial: Receipt is a FinancialDocument that contains a written acknowledgment that some article or service has been received and exchanged in return for some amount of money.
heeft superklassen
Fysiek financieel document c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#TrunkRestraint

Editorial: Bratexband is een MobiliteitsBeperkendMiddel waarbij een Persoon door een band om een deel van de torso wordt gefixeerd aan een bed of stoel.
'Bratexband', 'onrustband'.
heeft superklassen
Mobiliteitsbeperkend middel c

Broer of zusc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Sibling

Editorial: Sibling is the Role of some Human and corresponds to the relation someone has to another Human if both share the same Parents.
heeft superklassen
Verwante of familielid c

BRP burgerlijke staat-waardec
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#BRPCivilStatusValue

Gemeentelijke Basisadministratie (GBA) is in 2015 veranderd in Basis Registratie Personen (BRP).
BRPBurgerlijkeStaatWaarde representeert een waarde voor de burgerlijke staat van een Persoon zoals gedefinieerd en gebruikt in de Basis Registratie Personen (BRP) en het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek.
heeft superklassen
Burgerlijke staat-waarde c
heeft leden
Gehuwd ni, Gescheiden na huwelijk ni, Gescheiden na partnerschap ni, Ongehuwd ni, Partnerschap ni, Verweduwd na huwelijk ni, Verweduwd na partnerschap ni

Burgerlijke staatc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#CivilStatus

Editorial: CivilStatus is a RelationalQuality that inheres in Humans and characterizes the existence or non-existence of some (formal) relationship to another Human, e.g. according to some law or societal customs.
heeft superklassen
Relationele eigenschap c

Burgerlijke staat-waardec
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#CivilStatusValue

Instances of CivilStatusValue express the values that can be used to indicate the civil status of some Human such as 'married', 'divorced' and 'widowed'.
heeft superklassen
Relationele fysieke waarde c
heeft subklassen
BRP burgerlijke staat-waarde c

Buurman of buurvrouwc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Neighbour

Editorial: Neighbour is the Role of some Human and corresponds to the mutual relation someone has to some other Human living next door.
heeft superklassen
Relationele rol c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#CalamityEvent

The extension of this class is open to change, interpretation and context while no member of the extension is necessarily a member. As such, this class has no defined subclasses or 'one of' axioms. As an example: if someone deliberately hurts himself, this event can be labeled as a onz-g:SelfHarmEvent. In case that this event is also considered a calamity that should be reported to authorities, one can apply an additional label 'CalamityEvent'. Alternatively, one can opt to label as 'CalamityEvent' only, while leaving out the specification of the more precise nature of the event (e.g. self-harm, a sexual assault, etc). Also note that onz-g allows for applying case roles for the participants of some events that can be used as labels for e.g. the 'agent' and the 'patient' of the event. As such, one can specify if: - a PatientInCare (agent) sexually assaulted some Caregiver (patient); - a PatientInCare (agent) sexually assaulted another PatientInCare (patient) or; - a CareGiver (agent) assaulted some PatientIncare (patient). Also see onz-g:Participant and its subclasses for more explanation and some examples.
Calamiteit is een niet-beoogde of onverwachte gebeurtenis, die betrekking heeft op de kwaliteit van de zorg en die tot de dood van of een ernstig schadelijk gevolg voor een cliënt heeft geleid. (Definitie 'calamiteit' uit: Wet Kwaliteit, Klachten en Geschillen Zorg)
heeft superklassen
Eventieve perdurant c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#CapacityQuality

Note that this Quality is NOT for modeling 'human capacities' in the sense of the ability to learn and retain knowledge and skills.
CapacityQuality is a QuantitativeMeasurementQuality that characterizes the amount of some PhysicalEndurant that some other PhysicalEndurant can potentially hold, contain or incorporate.
This barrel has a capacity of 100 liter; this bag can hold 20 kilo; this nursing home can provide care for 100 patients; the hotel can accomodate 50 tourists; the elevator has a maximum capacity of seven persons, etc.
heeft superklassen
Kwantitatief-meetbare eigenschap c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#CapacityValue

Note that CapacityValues can pick up different UnitOfMeasures such as UnitOfVolume, UnitOfMass, etc. Also note that the hasCapacityObject axiom can be used to specify what the PhysicalEndurant is that can be held/contained by some other PhysicalEndurant. This can be of use in case data needs to be modeled for which volumic mass density and the conversion between volume and mass is required. As such, in the case that: "some barrel has a capacity of 100 kilo apples", then: CapacityValue hasCapacityObject 'apples' CapacityValue hasUnitOfMeasure 'kilo' (UnitOfMass) "some barrel has a capacity of 17 apples", then: CapacityValue hasCapacityObject 'apples' and no UnitOfMeasure.
Instances of CapacityValue express what quantity of some PhysicalEndurant can potentially be contained/held or incorporated by some other PhysicalEndurant.
Examples: This barrel can contain 10 kilo pet food/12 liter water/17 apples/"a lot"; This hotel can accomodate 200 guests; You can store 4Gb of data on this USB device.
heeft superklassen
Kwantificeerbare meetwaarde c

Chemische substantiec
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ChemicalSubstance

Editorial: ChemicalSubstance is a Substance that has a constant chemical composition and persistent characteristic properties.
Examples are: water, oxygen, calcium, uranium, alcohol, urea, titanium, lithium, etc.
heeft superklassen
Substantie c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ClassificationSystem

Editorial: Instances of ClassificationSystem are descriptive structures that provide some shared organization and definition of levels or degrees of some phenomenon that exists or is recognized in some domain.
Examples: the 'European Classifications Framework' and the 'Quetelet Index'.
heeft superklassen
Abstract informatieobject c
heeft subklassen
Beroeps- en functieclassificatiesysteem c, Medisch classificatiesysteem c, Opleidingsclassificatiesysteem c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PatientInCare

Editorial: PatientInCare is the Role of a Human who receives professional care, cure and/or assistance with activities of daily life by some CareOrganization and/or Caregiver.
cliënt, patiënt, zieke, zorgvrager, etc.
heeft superklassen
Sociale rol c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#CodeList

CodeList is the subclass of List that consists of IndentifierInformationObjects organized according to some principle where the IdentifierInformationObject itself is a standardized and opaque referrent to some thing in the world.
Examples include: 'COD-163-CIZ', 'COD016-VEKT', etc.
heeft superklassen
Lijst c
heeft leden
COD-163-CIZ ni

Cognitief procesc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#CognitiveProcess

Editorial: CognitiveProcess is an IntentionalProcess where some CognitiveAgent intentionally realizes some mind-internal Process such as 'thinking' and 'imagining'.
Examples are: 'think', 'compare', 'analyse', 'interpret', 'learning', 'reason', etc.
heeft superklassen
Intentioneel proces c

Cognitieve agensc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#CognitiveAgent

sumo:"A CognitiveAgent is an Agent that has the ability to reason, deliberate, make plans, and experience emotions".
heeft superklassen
Agens c

Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomstc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#CollectiveLabourAgreement

Editorial: CollectiveLabourAgreement is the subclass of Agreement that describes the rules, regulations and obligations for Employers and Employees within the context of some employment.
heeft superklassen
Overeenkomst c
heeft leden

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#CommunicatingProcess

Note that 'transmission' in our definition should not be confused with expressions such as 'sending a letter/email to someone' which are instances of onz-g:Giving.
Editorial: CommunicatingProcess is a SocialInteractionProcess where information is transmitted between two or more CognitiveAgents.
'communiceren', 'opbellen', 'vertellen', 'aanwijzen', 'nee knikken', 'verzoeken', 'vragen stellen', etc.
Examples: 'he gave her a call', 'she nodded her head in agreement', 'he spoke with a soft voice', 'he ordered three pancakes', 'she declared her love for him', 'he asked for more help', 'she elaborated on the matter', 'the witness pointed at the defendant', etc.
heeft superklassen
Menselijke interactie (proces) c

Concreet hulpmiddel bij een fysieke beperkingc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#DisabilityAssistiveDevice

Note that e.g. Wheelchair and MobilityScooter are subclasses of onz-g:Vehicle as these Devices do not assist but replace human physical movement.
Editorial: DisabilityAssistiveDevice is a Device that is designed to assist a Person with a functional disability and/or helps the Person taking care of this Person with carrying out activities of daily living such as personal care, eating, drinking and toiletting.
heeft superklassen
Fysiek hulpmiddel c

Concreet objectc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PhysicalObject

PhysicalObject is currently specialized in Collections (Objects that have members such as an organization or a forest) and CorpuscularObject (Objects that can have parts that have different properties from the whole, such as a human or a tree). A third potential subclass is currently not modeled in this Ontology since it does not seem to play a role in the Care and Cure domain: SelfConnectedObject. SelfConnectedObject is an Object that carries Unity, has no members and its parts carry the same properties as the whole. Examples are e.g. Iceberg and Ocean. Note the difference with onz-g:Substance (e.g. Water) that carries no Unity.
Editorial: PhysicalObject is an Endurant that does not depend on other PhysicalObjects for its existence.
heeft superklassen
Concrete endurant c
heeft subklassen
Corpusculair object c, Gebied of oppervlak c, Groep of collectie c
is disjunct met
Substantie c

Concrete eigenschapc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PhysicalQuality

Note that PhysicalQualities may also inhere in other PhysicalQualities. For instance, if John has a PressureUlcer (a BiologicalQuality that inheres in some Animal), then some additional quality such as 'DepthQuality' can be used to indicate how deep the ulcer is.
Editorial: PhysicalQuality is a Quality that inheres in PhysicaEndurants and other PhysicalQualities.
heeft superklassen
Eigenschap of kenmerk c
heeft subklassen
Interne eigenschap c, Relationele eigenschap c

Concrete endurantc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PhysicalEndurant

PhysicalEndurant is comparable to ufo:Substantial; note that this class is not in Gufo. Also see: http://dev.nemo.inf.ufes.br/seon/UFO.html#UFO_Substantial_detail The motivation for this class is primarily the differences in Unity criteria which is -U for Substance (water, blood, toothpaste) and +U for Physical Objects (faucet, vein, toothbrush). PhysicalObjects are usually made up by some Substance (in case of artifacts) or consist of some Substance. Substances have no clear boundaries while PhysicalObjects usually do. cf: 'clay' (-U) and 'brick' (+U); 'marble' (-U) and 'marble sculpture' (+U).
dolce: "An endurant having a direct physical (at least spatial) quality."
heeft superklassen
Endurant c
heeft subklassen
Concreet object c, Substantie c
is disjunct met
Niet-fysieke endurant c

Concrete waardec
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PhysicalValue

Instances of PhysicalValue are atomic regions or qualia in some value space. Our conception of PhysicalValue comes close to dul:PhysicalRegion where the focus is on the region, not the qualia. Due to this difference, we defined no mapping from this class to DOLCE.
Editorial: Instances of PhysicalValue express values of physical qualities such as Weight, Acidity and BodyPosition.
heeft superklassen
Waarde c
heeft subklassen
Interne fysieke waarde c, Relationele fysieke waarde c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ContactPerson

Editorial: ContactPerson is the role of some Human where someone is designated to act as a representative of some other Human in order to receive or provide personal information about this other Human.
heeft superklassen
Sociale rol c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ContentDevelopment

We refer to onz-g:CommunicatingProcess for a detailed illustration and explanation on how classes related to 'communication' in its broadest sense are modeled in onz-g. As an overview, we provide the following main classes pertaining to communication: onz-g:ContentBearingObject onz-g:ContentDevelopment onz-g:CommunicationProcess onz-g:InformationObject onz-g:Description
Editorial: ContentDevelopment is the subclass of CreationOfArtifact where some ContentBearingObject is created.
Examples are: 'photograph.v', 'registration.n', 'write.v', 'code.v'.
heeft superklassen
Creatie van artefact gebeurtenis c

Corpusculair objectc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#CorpuscularObject

sumo: CorpuscularObject is a PhysicalObject "whose parts have properties that are not shared by the whole."
Examples are: 'tree', 'table', 'building', 'syringe'.
heeft superklassen
Concreet object c
heeft subklassen
Artefact c, Organisch object c
is disjunct met
Gebied of oppervlak c, Groep of collectie c

Creatie van artefact gebeurtenisc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#CreationOfArtifact

Note that this class is intended for events that lead to the creation of Artifacts (e.g. 'building a house', 'register a patient'), not for the manipulation of Substances, Artifacts or PhysicalObjects (e.g. 'painting a door', 'kneading dough'). Also note that we make no formal claims to whether or not some Artifact is actually produced as result of some CreationOfArtifact. However, all Artifacts must be the result of some CreationOfArtifact.
Editorial: CreationOfArtifact is an IntentionalEvent where some CognitiveAgent creates some Artifact.
Examples are: 'writing.v', 'building.v', 'manufacture.v', 'creation.n', 'cook.v', 'produce.v'.
heeft superklassen
Intentionele gebeurtenis c
heeft subklassen
Contentontwikkelingsgebeurtenis c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#LegalGuardian

Editorial: LegalGuardian is the Role of a Person who has the legal authority and the corresponding duty to care for the financial and personal interests of some other Person.
heeft superklassen
Sociale rol c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ExpenseAccount

Editorial: Declaratie is een fysiek of digitaal document waarin de verschuldigde kosten wegens geleverde goederen, diensten of werkzaamheden staan beschreven.
heeft superklassen
Fysiek financieel document c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PressureUlcer

Note that some Human can have one or multiple pressure ulcers at different locations on the body and in different stages of severity. For the overall condition of 'having one or multiple pressure wounds' which is called 'decubitus' in Dutch, we refer to the editor notes provided for the class onz-g:DiseaseOrSyndrome. Note that assigning some severity level (e.g. debitus stage 4) may be applied to the overall condition 'decubitus' (instance of DiseaseOrSyndrome, inhering in some Organism) AND/OR the individual pressure ulcers (also inhering in some Organism). Onz-g allows for both.
PressureUlcer is a Lesion that comprises (Wikipedia) "localised damage to the skin and/or underlying tissue that usually occur over a bony prominence as a result of usually long-term pressure, or pressure in combination with shear or friction. "
'doorligplek', 'decubituswond',  'doorligwond'.
heeft superklassen
Laesie c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Description

dolce: A Description is a NonPhysicalEndurant that "represents a conceptualization (e.g. a mental object or state), hence it is generically dependent on some agent and communicable. Descriptions define or use concepts or figures, are expressed by an information object and can be satisfied by situations."
an idea, a concept, the mental object that time is money, etc.
heeft superklassen
Niet-fysieke endurant c
heeft subklassen
Procedure-descriptie c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#DiagnosisInvestigativeEvent

Note that DiagnosisInvestigativeEvent is NOT a subclass of SocialInteraction since instances of DiagnosisInvestigativeEvent do not necessarily involve direct interaction with another Person but may involve investigating only ContentBearingObjects such as ECG's, test reports, etc. Also note that DiagnosisInvestigativeEvent is NOT a subclass of TherapeuticIntervention since instances of the latter concern all therapeutic actions carried out to stabilize or alleviate some DiseaseOrSyndrome. DiagnosisInvestigativeEvents do not stabilize or alleviate some DiseaseOrSyndrom but are carried out to gather information whether or not some DiseaseOrSyndrom inheres in some Person.
DiagnosisInvestigativeEvent is an InvestigationEvent where some Person with the authority and credentials to do so investigates another Person and/or ContentBearingObjects associated to that Person in order to discern what DiseaseOrSyndrome inheres in this Person.
'diagnostiseren', 'een diagnose stellen',
heeft superklassen
Meet- of vaststelgebeurtenis c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#DiameterQuality

Editorial: DiameterQuality is a LengthQuality that characterizes the linear extent in space of some circular-shaped PhysicalObject.
heeft superklassen
Lengte c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#DietFoodArtifact

Editorial: DietFoodArtifact is a PreparedFoodArtifact that is intended to be ingested by some Human in the context of preventing, alleviating or reducing the progression of some disease or syndrome.
heeft superklassen
Bewerkt voedingsartefact c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#DepthQuality

Editorial: DepthQuality is a QuantitativeMeasurementQuality that characterizes the distance between the some point of a PhysicalObject and another point of a PhysicalObject that is beneath the first point.
Examples include: "the depth of a cut in your finger", "the depth of a crater", etc.
heeft superklassen
Kwantitatief-meetbare eigenschap c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#DepthValue

Editorial: Instances of DepthValue express the quantity values of the physical quality Depth.
heeft superklassen
Kwantificeerbare meetwaarde c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Animal

sumo: Animal is an Organism "with eukaryotic Cells, and lacking stiff cell walls, plastids, and photosynthetic pigments."
heeft superklassen
Organisme c
heeft subklassen
Zoogdier c

Dier-anatomische entiteitc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#AnimalAnatomicalEntity

AnatomicalEntity is an OrganicObject "which is generated by coordinated expression of the Animals own genes that guide its morphogenesis; has inherent 3D shape; its parts are connected and spatially related to one another in patterns determined by coordinated gene expression." Definition derived from: The Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology (FMA). (http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma.owl)
heeft superklassen
Anatomische entiteit c
heeft subklassen
Menselijke anatomische entiteit c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Diploma

Wikipedia: Diploma is a Certificate issued by an educational institution, such as college or university, that testifies that the recipient has successfully completed a particular course of study.
heeft superklassen
Fysiek certificaat c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Disability

Is vervallen
heeft superklassen
Ziekte of syndroom c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Dietician

Editorial: Dietician is the HealthcareProfessionRole of a Human who assesses, diagnoses, and treats nutritional problems in Humans.
heeft superklassen
Zorgprofessional c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#MedicalPrescription

Editorial: MedicalPrescription is the written authorization of some HealthcareProvider for some Person to purchase a prescription drug from a Pharmacist.
heeft superklassen
Fysiek certificaat c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Dead

Editorial: Dead is the AnimacyQuality that characterizes that some Organism is dead.
heeft superklassen
Levend of dood-eigenschap c

Dorp of stadc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#VillageOrCity

Editorial: VillageOrCity is a GeopoliticalArea occupied by a permanent human settlement.
'dorp', 'stad', 'buurtschap', 'gehucht', etc.
heeft superklassen
Geopolitiek gebied c

Duur- en tijdswaardec
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#TemporalValue

Instances of TemporalValue are atomic regions or qualia in some value space. Our conception of TemporalValue comes close to dul:TemporalRegion where the focus is on the region, not the qualia.
Editorial: Instances of TemporalValue express values of temporal qualities such as durations and timepoints.
heeft superklassen
Waarde c
heeft subklassen
Intervalwaarde c, Tijdspuntwaarde c

Echtgenoot of echtgenotec
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Spouse

Editorial: Spouse is the Role of some Human and corresponds to the relation someone has to another Human where both contend to share intimacy and significant parts of their personal lives, while this bond is grounded in some Contract.
heeft superklassen
Partner c

Eigenschap of kenmerkc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Quality

For instantiating Qualities with the QualityRegion design pattern, we refer to onz-g:QualityValue for an explanation and some examples.
Editorial: Qualities are entities that can be observed, experienced or measured and that are dependent on some other entity to exist.
length, color, size, weight, fragility, happiness, dead, blind, alive, damagedness, having some disease,
heeft superklassen
TijdEnPlaatsGebondenEntiteit c
heeft subklassen
Abstracte eigenschap c, Concrete eigenschap c, Temporele eigenschap c
is disjunct met
Endurant c, Perdurant c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Protein

Editorial: Protein is a Nutrient that consists of organic compounds that are used by some Organism to maintain normal biological functions.
heeft superklassen
Voedingsstof c

Elementair lichaamsdeelc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#CardinalBodyPart

FMA: "Anatomical structure, each instance of which has as its constitutional part some subdivision of the skeleton, and some subdivision of integument, such that the meronymic sum of an individual’s cardinal body parts constitutes the individual’s entire body. Examples: head, limb"
heeft superklassen
Menselijke anatomische entiteit c

Elementair orgaandeelc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#CardinalOrganPart

FMA: "Anatomical structure, each instance of which has as its direct parts some instance of portions of two or more types of tissue and is continuous with some instance of one or more anatomical structures, likewise constituted by some portions of two or more tissues distinct from those of their complement."
heeft superklassen
Menselijke anatomische entiteit c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Endurant

dolce: The main characteristic of endurants is that all of them are independent essential wholes. This does not mean that the corresponding property (being an endurant) carries proper unity, since there is no common unity criterion for endurants. Endurants can 'genuinely' change in time, in the sense that the very same endurant as a whole can have incompatible properties at different times. To see this, suppose that an endurant - say 'this paper' - has a property at a time t 'it's white', and a different, incompatible property at time t' 'it's yellow': in both cases we refer to the whole object, without picking up any particular part of it. Within endurants, we distinguish between physical and non-physical endurants, according to whether they have direct spatial qualities.
heeft superklassen
TijdEnPlaatsGebondenEntiteit c
heeft subklassen
Concrete endurant c, Niet-fysieke endurant c
is disjunct met
Perdurant c, Eigenschap of kenmerk c

Engineering componentc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#EngineeringComponent

For this version of the ontology, we do not further extend this class with an elaborated hierarchy. The few subclasses currently defined, consist of the concepts necessary for patient safety and quality of care in Dutch Nursing Homes.
Editorial: EngineeringComponent is een Artefact dat gebruikt wordt als een functioneel onderdeel van een Hulpmiddel.
Voorbeelden zijn: handgreep, deurknop, veiligheidsgordel, bedhek, schakelaar, etc.
heeft superklassen
Artefact c
heeft subklassen
Bedhek c, Rolstoeltafelblad c, Veiligheidsgordel c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#VoluntaryEuthanasiaAgreement

Editorial: Euthanasieverklaring is een beschrijving waarin een Persoon een verzoek tot toekomstige euthanasie doet in het geval van bepaalde ziektes en aandoeningen indien de Persoon zelf geen beslissingen meer kan nemen over medische behandelingen of zijn eigen gezondheid door wilsonbekwaamheid veroorzaakt door ziekte of aandoeningen.
heeft superklassen
Fysiek certificaat c

Eventieve perdurantc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#EventivePerdurant

Also see the definitions and explantion provided for the class onz-g:Perdurant.
Editorial: An EventivePerdurant is a Perdurant that is cumulative and intrinsically implies some change in the world/state of affairs.
Examples are: inject.v, arrival.n, demolish.v, die.n, burial.n, urinate.v, buy.v, etc.
heeft superklassen
Perdurant c
heeft subklassen
Calamiteitsgebeurtenis c, Incidentgebeurtenis c, Intentionele gebeurtenis c, Interne verandering c, Translocatie c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#FinancialBill

Editorial: FinancialBill is a FinancialDocument that contains an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered.
'factuur', 'nota', 'rekening', etc.
heeft superklassen
Fysiek financieel document c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#FamilyGroup

Editorial: FamilieGroep is een groep mensen waarvan de leden aan elkaar gerelateerd zijn door verwantschap, adoptie of een verbintenis zoals huwelijk en (geregistreerd) partnerschap.
heeft superklassen
Groep mensen c
heeft subklassen
Gezin c

Farmaceutisch artefactc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PharmaceuticalArtifact

This class is exclusively for PharmaceuticalArtifacts, i.e. specific drugs that consist of one or more TherapeuticSubstances. For example: Ritalin is an instance of PharmaceuticalArtifact and contains methylfenidate as its TherapeuticSubstance. Note that all Artifacts carry Unity (+U) while Substances do not (-U), hence substances can NOT be subclasses of this class. As a more pragmatic motivation for this distinction: note that some Human may be allergic or have an intolerance for some PharmaceuticalArtifact, but not the TherapeuticSubstance.
Editorial: PharmaceuticalArtifact is an Artifact that is made and distributed with the intention to manage, cure, prevent or stabilize some PathologicProcess in a Human.
heeft superklassen
Artefact c

Financieel accountc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#FinancialAccount

sumo: "A formal banking, brokerage, or business account established to provide for regular services, dealings, and other financial transactions."
heeft superklassen
Account c

Financieel informatieobjectc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#FinancialInformationObject

For physical objects that carry financial information, such as a 'bank statement' or 'the bill you receive in a restaurant', we refer to onz-g:FinancialDocument.
Editorial: FinancialInformationObject is any unit of information that describes and/or transmits financial facts or statements.
Examples: 'the information on transactions represented in your bank statement', 'the information in the account book of some company'.
heeft superklassen
Abstract informatieobject c

Financieel-administratief informatieobjectc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#FinancialAdministrativeObject

Note that subclasses of this class may not by definition represent concepts but also financial-administrative constructs that are merely needed to label administrative data.
FinancialAdministrativeInformationObject is an AdministrativeInformationObject that expresses (uniformized) conceptions as they function specifically and exclusively in the financial administrative realm.
Examples include: 'cost centre', 'profit centre', etc.
Voorbeelden zijn: 'financieringsstroom', 'kostenplaats', 'kostendrager', etc.
heeft superklassen
Administratief informatieobject c

Financiële entiteitc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#FinancialEntity

Note that 'coins' and 'bank notes' are Artifacts (ContentBearingObjects) representing a fixed value that is stated on the Artifact itself.
Editorial: FinancialEntity is a NonPhysicalEndurant that represents some quantity of money considered as a whole at some point in time and/or during some exchange, e.g. during a FinancialTransaction.
Examples are: 'payment', 'budget', 'funding', 'wage', 'profit', 'fine', 'royalties', 'insurance premium', 'bribe', 'annual turnover', 'investment', etc.
heeft superklassen
Niet-fysieke endurant c

Financiële periodec
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#FinancialPeriod

Editorial: FinancialPeriod is the subclass of ProperPeriod that captures all proper time intervals associated with finance and economics such as a 'fiscal year'.
Voorbeelden: 'boekjaar', 'fiscaal jaar', 'belastingjaar'.
heeft superklassen
Periode c

Financiële transactiec
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#FinancialTransaction

In case the onz-g needs to be extended with financial events, we refer to the notes provided for onz-g:Getting.
Editorial: FinancialTransaction is the subclass of ChangeOfPossession where some FinancialAsset is exchanged between two Agents, often as compensation for the value of some Object that changes of ownership.
Examples are 'buy.v', 'sell.v', 'invest.v', 'rent.v', 'pay.v', etc.
heeft superklassen
Verandering van eigendom of bezit-gebeurtenis c

Financiële waardec
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#FinancialValue

Dus: een 'budget' (FinancialEntity) heeft een omvang/waarde (FinancialValueQuality) namelijk een 'waarde' (FinancialValue ) van '1 miljoen' (datatype), uitgedrukt in bijvoorbeeld 'Euro' (instance van UnitOfCurrency).
Editorial: FinancialValue is an AbstractValue that captures the e.g. monetary/economic/financial value of some Endurant.
heeft superklassen
Abstracte waarde c

Financiële waarde eigenschapc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#FinancialValueQuality

Dus: een 'budget' (FinancialEntity) heeft een 'financiele omvang/waarde' (FinancialValueQuality) namelijk een waarde (FinancialValue ) van '1 miljoen' (datatype), uitgedrukt in bijvoorbeeld 'Euro' (instance van UnitOfCurrency). Ook zo: een 'rolllator' (PhysicalEndurant) heeft een 'financiele omvang/waarde' (FinancialValueQuality), namelijk een bepaalde 'waarde' (FinancialValue) van '600', uitgedrukt in bijvoorbeeld 'Dollar' (instance van UnitOfCurrency).
Editorial: FinancialValueQuality is an AbstractQuality that characterizes the amount, value or price of some FinancialEntity or PhysicalEndurant.
heeft superklassen
Abstracte eigenschap c

Formele identifierc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#FormalIdentifier

Editorial: FormalIdentifier is a (mandatory) IdentifierInformationObject issued by some GovernmentOrganization under the ruling of some legislation.
Examples: Social Security Number (US), National Health Insurance Number (UK), VAT Number.
Voorbeelden: 'Burger Service Nummer (BSN)', 'Kamer van Koophandel nummer', 'BTW-nummer', etc.
heeft superklassen
Identifier-informatieobject c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Freelancer

Editorial: ZZP is de rol van een persoon waarbij iemand werkt voor verschillende opdrachtgevers, zonder dat er sprake is van een dienstverband.
ZZP, ZZP'er, zelfstandige zonder personeel, freelancer, eenpitter.
heeft superklassen
Werker c

Functie in organisatie-rolc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#OccupationalPositionRole

Note that OccupationalPositionRoles are dependent on the employment contract that some Human has with some Employer. As such, some Human will no longer carry some OccupationalPositionRole if the employment contract ceases to exist. Also note that some Human can carry both an OccupationalRole and an OccupationalPositionRole. Also, the name or label for these roles can be identical. For instance, someone may have received the education for being a dentist (onz-g:OccupationalRole) and may have the onz-g:OccupationalPositionRole 'dentist' within some CareOrganization.
Editorial: OccupationalPositionRole is the position that some Human has within the Organization where he/she works and/or has an EmploymentContract.
Examples: laboratory director, senior researcher, sales representative, unit manager, advisor, etc.
heeft superklassen
Sociale rol c
heeft subklassen
Manager c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ProfessionalQualificationQuality

Editorial: ProfessionalQualificationQuality is a NormativeQuality that characterizes e.g. the responsibilities and complexity of some professional position, function or role.
heeft superklassen
Kwalificatieniveau c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ProfessionalQualificationValue

Editorial: Instances of ProfessionalQualificationValue express some value that is assigned to symbolize the responsibilities and complexity of some professional position, function or role of some Human.
heeft superklassen
Kwalificatieniveau-waarde c

Fysiek certificaatc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Certificate

Examples are: receipts, testaments, bonds, insurance policies, passports and drivers licenses.
Editorial: Certificaat is een Object waarin een schriftelijke en ondertekende verklaring staat opgesteld dat als bewijsstuk dient voor de feiten die in de verklaring staan vermeld.
heeft superklassen
Fysiek document c
heeft subklassen
Diploma c, Doktersrecept c, Euthanasieverklaring c, Medische volmacht c, Verwijsbrief c, Verzekeringspolis c, Wilsverklaring c

Fysiek contractc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Contract

Editorial: Contract is a type of Document that describes a legally enforcable, negotiated agreement between parties as to some situation or action.
heeft superklassen
Fysiek document c

Fysiek documentc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Document

Note that instances of Document can be physical or electronical objects.
Editorial: Document is a ContentBearingObject that carries some textual InformationObject of a relatively small size.
heeft superklassen
Informatiedragend artefact c
heeft subklassen
Fysiek certificaat c, Fysiek contract c, Fysiek financieel document c, Rapport c

Fysiek financieel documentc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#FinancialDocument

Editorial: FinancieelDocument is een Document waarin (aspecten van) een financiele transactie worden beschreven.
heeft superklassen
Fysiek document c
heeft subklassen
Bon c, Declaratiedocument c, Factuur c

Fysiek hulpmiddelc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Device

onz-g:Device laat zich niet goed naar het Nederlands vertalen; bedoeld zijn alle artefacten, dus concrete en mensgemaakte objecten, die dienen als instrument bij een Proces of Acitiviteit. Voorbeelden zijn: meetlint, infuus, televisie, ambulance, rits, Zweedse band, scalpel, etc. Objecten zoals 'zitbank' en 'plooirok' die een functie hebben bij een 'staat', zoals 'zitten' en 'gekleed zijn', worden NIET beschouwd als Device.
Editorial: FysiekHulpmiddel is een Artefact dat is bedoeld om als instrument te dienen bij een zeker Proces of Activiteit.
heeft superklassen
Artefact c
heeft subklassen
Biomedisch hulpmiddel of apparaat c, Concreet hulpmiddel bij een fysieke beperking c, Meetinstrument c, Mobiliteitsbeperkend middel c, Transportmiddel c

Fysieke inhoudseenheidc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#UnitOfVolume

Editorial: UnitOfVolume represents the standardized units of volume such as 'Liter' and 'Milliliter'.
heeft superklassen
Niet-samengestelde meeteenheid c

Fysieke inhoudswaardec
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#VolumeValue

Editorial: Instances of VolumeValue express the quantity values of the physical quality Volume.
heeft superklassen
Kwantificeerbare meetwaarde c

Fysiologisch procesc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PhysiologicProcess

Editorial: PhysiologicProcess is a BiologicalProcess that takes place in some Organism and is considered as a normal biological functioning within that Organism.
Examples are: breathing, urinating, digesting, dying, vomiting, recovering from illness, giving birth/being born, body growth, etc.
heeft superklassen
Biologisch proces c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Physiotherapist

Wikipedia: 'Physiotherapist is the HealthcareProfessionRole of a Human who addresses the illnesses, or injuries that limit a person's abilities to move and perform functional activities in their daily lives.'
heeft superklassen
Zorgprofessional c

Gebied of oppervlakc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Area

Area is a PhysicalObject that is equal to some two dimensional surface.
Examples are: a parking lot, a dining area, a lake, a hemisphere, a desert, a country, etc.
heeft superklassen
Concreet object c
heeft subklassen
Geografisch gebied c, Virtueel areaal c
is disjunct met
Groep of collectie c, Corpusculair object c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#BirthCare

heeft superklassen
Zorgdiensten c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Building

Editorial: Building is a constructionally independent StationaryArtifact consisting of walls, a roof and a door.
heeft superklassen
Onverplaatsbaar artefact c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#SecondmentWorker

Editorial: Gedetacheerde is de Rol van een persoon die in dienst is van een Organisatie en wordt uitgeleend aan een andere Organisatie om daar voor een bepaalde tijd werkzaamheden te verrichten.
heeft superklassen
Werker c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ValidityQuality

Note that this quality is NOT intended for statements on the existence or truth value of some Entity, e.g.: 'the building/organization/civil war existed in 2022' and 'what he said was not true/no longer true/false/a lie' do NOT refer to some ValidityQuality as modeled and defined in this ontology.
Editorial: ValidityQuality is a NormativeQuality that is (formally) assigned to some Entity by some Human or Organization and characterizes the validity the of this Entity according to some norm, law or authority.
Examples: 'This passport is still valid', 'the contract will be effective for three years', 'my drivers license is unexpired', 'her healthcare proxy is in effect from 2021', etc.
heeft superklassen
Normatieve waarde eigenschap c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ValidityValue

Instances of ValidityValue express the possible values of some ValidtyQuality such as 'expired', 'in effect', etc.
heeft superklassen
Normatieve waarde c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#MunicipalityGovernment

Editorial: Gemeentebestuur is een Overheidsorganisatie die een GeografischGebied bestuurt, meer specifiek een gebied dat kan bestaan uit een Stad, meerdere Dorpen of een stad en meerdere dorpen.
heeft superklassen
Bestuurlijke overheidsorganisatie c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#MunicipalityArea

Editorial: MunicipalityArea is a GeopoliticalArea that covers the area governed by some MunicipalityGovernment.
heeft superklassen
Geopolitiek gebied c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#GenderIdentity

GenderIdentity is a BiologicalQuality that characterizes as to what gender some Human identifies with.
heeft superklassen
Organische eigenschap c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#GenderIdentityValue

Note that that this class is for values for possible gender identities; for the biological sex that is inherent to some Organism, inlcuding Humans, we refer to the Quality onz-g:BiologicalSex.
Editorial: Instances of GenderIdentityValue express the values for the gender some Human identifies himself with such as 'agender' and 'genderfluid'.
heeft superklassen
Organisme-eigenschapswaarde c

Geografisch gebiedc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#GeographicArea

Editorial: GeografischGebied is een Gebied met een vastomlijnde grens.
Examples are: city, village, estuary, harbor, parking lot, cave, etc.
Voorbeelden zijn: stad, dorp, baai, haven, parkeerterrein, grot, etc.
heeft superklassen
Gebied of oppervlak c
heeft subklassen
Administratief gebied c, Geopolitiek gebied c, Landareaal c, Lokaliseerbaar gebied c

Geografische eigenschapc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#GeographicQuality

Note that this Quality is for modeling the position of some PhysicalEndurant with Quality region pattern to some GeographicValue, i.e. in order o state that some city/bridge/organization/event has a Geographic Quality, specified by any range of GeographicValues such as long/lat coordinates, location names such as 'Amsterdam', etc.
Editorial: GeographicQuality is a SpatialQuality that inheres in some PhysicalEndurant or Perdurant and characterizes the location of some entity in some geographic space.
heeft superklassen
Ruimtelijke eigenschap c

Geografische plaats-waardec
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#GeographicValue

For a shared rdf vocabulary for geographical locations, we refer to: https://www.geonames.org.
Editorial: Instances of GeographicValue are SpatialValues that describe the geographical location of some entity such as 'France', 'Amsterdam' and '48.764400, -1.571040'.
heeft superklassen
Plaats- en ruimtewaarde c

Geopolitiek gebiedc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#GeopoliticalArea

Editorial: GeopoliticalArea is a GeographicArea that is associated with some governmental structure and/or jurisdiction.
Examples are: 'a country', 'a province', 'a city'.
heeft superklassen
Geografisch gebied c
heeft subklassen
Dorp of stad c, Gemeentegebied c, Land c, Openbaar gebied c, Provinciegebied c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Geriatrician

Editorial: Geriatrician is a MedicalDoctor who promotes health in older Humans by preventing and treating diseases and disabilities.
heeft superklassen
Arts c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#BiologicalSex

Note that this Quality refers to the biological sex of some Organism as encoded in e.g. chromosomes and/or expressed by biological features. For the gender identity of Humans, we refer to onz-g:GenderIdentity and GenderIdentityValue. Note that some Human may have the BiologicalSex 'Male' but the GenderIdentityValue 'female'.
BiologicalSex is a Quality that inheres in Organisms and expresses the biological sex of some Organism.
heeft superklassen
Organische eigenschap c
heeft subklassen
Intersexe geslacht c, Mannelijk geslacht c, Vrouwelijk geslacht c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Giving

See the notes provided for the class onz-g:Getting.
Editorial: Giving is the subclass of ChangeOfPossession where someone hands the possession and/or control of something over to someone else.
heeft superklassen
Verandering van eigendom of bezit-gebeurtenis c

Geweldadige interactiec
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ViolentInteraction

Note that ViolantInteraction does not impose any perspective on either the agent or the patient of some event. In other words: 'two people fighting eachother' and 'Mary assaulted John' can both be labeled as ViolentInteraction events. We refer to onz-g:Participant and its subclasses for roles that can be applied to instantiate e.g. the agent and patient of some ViolentInteraction.
Editorial: ViolentInteraction is a SocialInteractionEvent in which some Human or GroupOfHumans intentionally and willfully (attempts to) cause some form of harm to some other Human or GroupOfHumans.
Examples are: terrorist attacks, war, sexual assault, sexual harassment, gaslighting, negligant events, a caregiver hitting some patient, some patient biting some caregiver, murders and murder attempts.
heeft superklassen
Menselijke interactie-gebeurtenis c

Gewichts- of massawaardec
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#MassValue

Editorial: Instances of MassValue express the values of the Quality MassQuality.
Examples: This patient weighs "75" kilo; the grocery bag is "heavy", etc.
heeft superklassen
Kwantificeerbare meetwaarde c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#UnitOfMass

Editorial: UnitOfMass represents the standardized units of mass such as 'kilo' and 'ounce'.
heeft superklassen
Niet-samengestelde meeteenheid c
heeft leden
Gram ni, Kilo ni

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#NuclearFamily

Editorial: Gezin is een FamilieGroep die bestaat uit een of twee ouders en een of meerdere kinderen.
heeft superklassen
Familiegroep c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#HealthcareLaw

Since the legal domain is not the primary focus of this ontology, we only model HealthcareLaw as a concept for any laws setting rules for the Healthcare domain. A set of specific laws for Dutch Healthcare have been defined as instances of this class. Since instances can cease to exist while concepts can not, the individual laws have not been modeled as classes in this ontology.
Editorial: HealthcareLaw is a description imposed by some authority that sets forth rules governing some activity in the Healthcare and Cure domain and that can be enforced with penalties for noncompliance.
heeft superklassen
Wet c
heeft leden
Kwaliteitswet Zorginstellingen ni, Wet Langdurige Zorg ni, Wet Maatschappelijke Ondersteuning ni, wet verplichte geestelijke gezondheidszorg ni, zorgverzekeringswet ni

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PoisonRole

Poison is a Role of some PhysicalObject or Substance as most instances are not necessarily, intrinsically and/or for every context and Organism to be considered 'poisonous'. For example, some substance can become poisonous to a Human only if the intake is too high. Likewise, some substances are considered poisonous for e.g. cats but not Humans, e.g. theobromine in chocolate.
PoisonRole is a role played by some Substance or PhysicalObject that contains some Substance that is considered poisonous to some Organism in some context and level of exposure.
heeft superklassen
Abstracte rol c

Groep mensenc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#GroupOfHumans

Editorial: GroupOfHumans is a VariableCollection whose members are exclusively Humans.
heeft superklassen
Variabele groep of collectie c
heeft subklassen
Familiegroep c, Organisatie c

Groep of collectiec
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Collection

Collection carries Unity (+U).
Editorial: Collection is an Object that consists of members.
Examples: archipelago, flock of sheep, military convoy, musical group, football team, forest, video surveillance system.
heeft superklassen
Concreet object c
heeft subklassen
Variabele groep of collectie c, Vaste groep of collectie c
is disjunct met
Gebied of oppervlak c, Corpusculair object c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#MercantileOrganization

Examples of MercantileOrganization are shops such as Drugstore, GroceryStore and MedicalWholesale.
Editorial: Handelsonderneming is een Bedrijf dat met een winstoogmerk FysiekeObjecten of een service verkoopt aan Personen en/of Organisaties.
'handelsonderneming', 'winkel', 'winkelbedrijf'.
heeft superklassen
Bedrijf c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#NursingHelper

Editorial: Helpende is de Rol van een Persoon die binnen een zorginstelling huishoudelijke taken verricht, helpt bij de persoonlijke verzorging van patienten en mede zorg draagt voor hun welzijn.
heeft superklassen
Zorgprofessional c

Hoeveelheid lichaamsweefselc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PortionOfBodyTissue

Note that onz-g:BodyTissue carries no Unity (-U), while onz-g/fma:PortionOfBodyTissue does (+U).
FMA: "Anatomical structure, each instance of which has as its parts some cells of predominantly one type with or without intercellular matrix. Examples: portion of epithelium, portion of muscle tissue, portion of connective tissue, portion of neural tissue."
heeft superklassen
Menselijke anatomische entiteit c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Hospice

Editorial: Hospice is een ZorgOrganisatie die er op gericht is zorg en ondersteuning te verlenen aan Personen met een terminale ziekte of aandoening.
heeft superklassen
Zorgorganisatie c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#GeneralPhysician

Wikipedia: GeneralPhysician ia a MedicalDoctor who treats acute and chronic illnesses in Humans and provides preventive care and health education.
heeft superklassen
Arts c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#IdentifierInformationObject

Editorial: IdentifierDescription is an InformationObject that is used to (uniquely) identify some entity within some situation, such as an Employee, a Human, AccomodativeObject, BankAccount, etc.
heeft superklassen
Abstract informatieobject c
heeft subklassen
Formele identifier c, Naamidentifier c, Plaats- of locatieidentifier c, Werknemersidentifier c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#IncidentEvent

The extension of this class is open to change, interpretation and context while no member of the extension is necessarily a member. As such, this class has no defined subclasses or 'one of' axioms. See onz-g:CalamityEvent for more explanation and some examples.
Incident is een niet-beoogde of onverwachte gebeurtenis, die betrekking heeft op de kwaliteit van de zorg, en heeft geleid, had kunnen leiden of zou kunnen leiden tot schade bij de cliënt. (Definitie 'incident' uit: Wet Kwaliteit, Klachten en Geschillen Zorg)
heeft superklassen
Eventieve perdurant c

Informatiedragend artefactc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ContentBearingObject

Note the difference between ContentBearingObject and InformationObject: - the 'Iliad' is one InformationObject and can be represented in multiple ContentBearingObjects (e.g. multiple books). - ContentBearingObjects can be thrown and set on fire, but InformationObject can not. In Natural Language, it is often unclear if one refers to the object or the content that it bears. When in doubt on what class to instantiate, we advise to check whether the focus is on the content/information or on the object. Also note that onz-g has two object properties to define the relation between ContentBearingObject and InformationObject: onz-g:bears and onz-g:borneBy.
Editorial: ContentBearingObject is an Artifact that carries some InformationObject.
Examples are: drivers licenses, traffic signs, books, photographs, a newspaper, a painting.
heeft superklassen
Artefact c
heeft subklassen
Fysiek document c, Visuele informatie-dragend object c

Instrument semantische rolc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#InstrumentCaseRole

Examples: "Mary hit John with A BASEBALL BAT." "Mary flew to New York in THE NEWEST AIRBUS."
Editorial: An InstrumentCaseRole is played by a participant of some Perdurant and is used by some agent to help bring about the Perdurant.
heeft superklassen
Semantische rol c

Intentioneel procesc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#IntentionalProcess

For the difference between IntentionalProcess (stative) and IntentionalEvent (eventive), see the explanation provided for the class onz-g:Perdurant. In short: EventivePerdurants imply an intrinsic result that holds for all possible instances of that class and is identical for all instances of that class while StativePerdurant don't have an intrinsic result other 'not happening/no longer happening'. For example: 'buying' implies as result some change of ownership, hence: EventivePerdurant. 'assisting someone' implies no change other than perhaps 'no longer assisting someone', hence: StativePerdurant.
Editorial: IntentionalProcess is a StativePerdurant that has some purpose for the CognitiveAgent that performs it.
heeft superklassen
Statische perdurant c
heeft subklassen
Beschermproces c, Cognitief proces c, Menselijke interactie (proces) c

Intentionele gebeurtenisc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#IntentionalEvent

Note that 'intentional' should not be understood as 'on purpose'. Therefore, events such as 'wrong medicament supplied to patient' are considered to be an IntentionalEvent since supplying the medicament was preceded by some decision. In other words: IntentionalEvents can go wrong or can be are carried out based on some ill- or uninformed decisions and assumptions. Also note that IntentionalEvents can be performed by e.g. humans, groups of humans and animals.
Editorial: IntentionalEvent is an EventivePerdurant that has some purpose for the CognitiveAgent who/that performs it.
heeft superklassen
Eventieve perdurant c
heeft subklassen
Creatie van artefact gebeurtenis c, Menselijke interactie-gebeurtenis c, Onderzoekgebeurtenis c

Interne eigenschapc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#InternalQuality

Editorial: InternalQuality is a Quality that is dependent on and internal to some PhysicalEndurant.
Examples: having some color, carrying some disease, being introverted, being able to bend your knee, being dead, having twelve employees, etc.
heeft superklassen
Concrete eigenschap c
heeft subklassen
Kwantitatief-meetbare eigenschap c, Organische eigenschap c

Interne fysieke waardec
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#InternalPhysicalValue

Editorial: Instances of InternalPhysicalValue indicate values that are dependent on and internal to some PhysicalEndurant.
Example values may include: 'supine position', 'capable of dressing self', '54 (kilo)', '10 (ml)', etc.
heeft superklassen
Concrete waarde c
heeft subklassen
Kwantificeerbare meetwaarde c, Organisme-eigenschapswaarde c

Interne veranderingc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#InternalChange

Note that 'alive' and 'healthy' are considered internal qualities of some Objects as well. As such, EventivePerdurants like 'injuring' and 'killing' result in some change of an internal quality of some Object and therefore are modeled as InternalChange. Also note that onz-g does not impose any restrictions on who or what plays the causal role in enforcing the change of some internal attribute in some Object. In other words: 'the eartquake destroyed the house' and 'Mary destroyed the vase' and 'John killed Mary' are all instances of InternalChange or one of its subclasses. Also see the explanation provided for the class onz-g:SocialInteractionEvent.
InternalChange is an EventivePerdurant that involves altering an InternalQuality of some PhysicalObject, e.g. its shape, its coloring, its structure, its mass, its existence, etc."
heeft superklassen
Eventieve perdurant c
heeft subklassen
Beschadigen c, Verandering in hoeveelheid c, Vernietigen c

Intersekse persoonc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#IntersexPerson

heeft superklassen
Mens c

Intersexe geslachtc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Intersexual

Intersexual is a Quality that inheres in Organisms and expresses the intersexual sex of some Organism, i.e. having both female and male characteristics.
heeft superklassen
Geslacht c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#IntervalValue

Instances of IntervalValue express some time value with a duration and/or extent.
heeft superklassen
Duur- en tijdswaarde c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#FinancialReport

Volgens de Nederlandse wetgeving dient een Jaarrapport te bestaan uit een balans, een winst-en-verliesrekening en een toelichting op beide. Zie ook: Boek 2 van het Burgelijk Wetboek, artikel 391.
Editorial: Jaarrekening is een Rapport waarin een overzicht van de financiële situatie van een Organisatie wordt gegeven en toegelicht over het afgelopen jaar.
heeft superklassen
Rapport c

Kamer of ruimtec
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Room

We refer to SnoMed for a subhierarchy of rooms such as kitchen, bedroom and bathroom; see provided URL.
Editorial: Room is a StationaryArtifact consisting of walls, a floor and a ceiling and is a functionally dependent and located in a Building.
heeft superklassen
Onzelfstandig vertrek of ruimte c

Kind van een ouderc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ChildOfParent

Note that this role is NOT intended for humans that have an age that is considered to be in the range of being a child.
Editorial: ChildOfParent is the Role of some Human and corresponds to the relation someone has as a descendent of some Parent.
heeft superklassen
Verwante of familielid c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Carbohydrate

Editorial: Carbohydrate is a Nutrient that consists of organic compounds and can be broken down by some Organism to release energy for the biological functions of that Organism.
heeft superklassen
Voedingsstof c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Getting

Note that Getting and Giving are basically two sides of the same coin due to a change of perspective on either the receiver or the giver. This also holds for e.g. Buying and Selling. In other words: there is basically one event that can be labeled as a Giving event if the perspective of the giver is taken into account, while the same event will be labeled as a Getting event from the perspective of the receiver. As an example, see how these two sentences express the same event: "Yesterday, John received a grey sweater from Mary" vs "Yesterday, Mary gave a grey sweater to John". In other words: if two specific event graphs need to be compared on their unicity it should be noted that the labeling can not be decisive in case of perspectivized event labels such as Buying/Selling and Getting/Giving.
Editorial: Getting is the subclass of ChangeOfPossession where someone is handed over the possession and/or usage of some object.
heeft superklassen
Verandering van eigendom of bezit-gebeurtenis c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#QualificationLevelQuality

QualificationLevelQuality characterizes the level of competence, knowledgeability and skills that is obtained by some Human and/or that is required to carry out some task.
heeft superklassen
Normatieve waarde eigenschap c
heeft subklassen
Functieniveau c, Opleidingsniveau c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#QualificationLevelValue

Instances of QualificationLevelValue express values for the level of competence, knowledgeability and skills that is obtained by some Human and/or that is required to carry out some task.
heeft superklassen
Normatieve waarde c
heeft subklassen
Functieniveau-waarde c, Opleidingsniveau-waarde c

Kwantificeerbare meetwaardec
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#QuantitativeMeasurementValue

Instances of QuantitativeMeasurementValue are derived with some measurement device and may or may not be the result of some action of a cognitive agent. In other words: some oxygen saturation value may be outputted by a permanent body sensor or measured by an intentional human action.
Editorial: Instances of QuantitativeMeasurement Value express the quantity values of physical qualities such as Length, Mass and Volume as derived by some measurement process or action.
heeft superklassen
Interne fysieke waarde c
heeft subklassen
Capaciteitswaarde c, Dieptewaarde c, Fysieke inhoudswaarde c, Gewichts- of massawaarde c, Lengtewaarde c, Maatwaarde c, Temperatuurwaarde c

Kwantitatief-meetbare eigenschapc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#QuantativeMeasurementQuality

QuantitativeMeasurementQuality is an InternalQuality that characterizes quantifiable attributes of some Endurant such as 'mass', 'temperature' and 'density'.
heeft superklassen
Interne eigenschap c
heeft subklassen
Capaciteit c, Diepte c, Lengte c, Maat c, Massa of gewicht c, Temperatuur c, Volume c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Lesion

Editorial: Lesion is an AbnormalOrganicMorphologicalQuality that inheres in some tissue of an Organism due to some DiseaseOrSyndrome or InjuringEvent.
heeft superklassen
Abnormale morfologische eigenschap c
heeft subklassen
Decubituswond c, Wond c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Country

Editorial: Country is a GeopoliticalArea that covers the area governed by some national government.
heeft superklassen
Geopolitiek gebied c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#LandArea

Editorial: LandArea is a GeographicArea that predominantly consists of solid ground.
Examples are: desert, island, parking lot.
heeft superklassen
Geografisch gebied c
heeft subklassen
Landtransit-areaal c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#LandTransitArea

Editorial: LandTransitArea is the subclass of LandArea and is intended for Translocation over ground.
heeft superklassen
Landareaal c
heeft subklassen
Weg of straat c

Langdurige zorgc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#LongTermCareService

heeft superklassen
Zorgdiensten c
heeft subklassen
Verpleeghuiszorg c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Age

Editorial: Age is a Quality that inheres in Organisms and indicates the amount of time that has passed since the Organism came into existence in relation to some other point in time.
heeft superklassen
Organische eigenschap c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#AgeValue

Note that the unit of measurement such as 'years' and 'days' can be specified with a UnitOfDuration.
Editorial: Instances of AgeValue indicate the values for the Quality Age of some Organism.
Examples: '14' (weeks), '43' (years), 'adult', 'senior', etc.
heeft superklassen
Organisme-eigenschapswaarde c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#NurseApprentice

Editorial: Leerling-Verpleegkundige is de Rol van een Persoon die in het kader van de Wet Educatie- en Beroepsonderwijs een HBO-duale zorgopleiding volgt en een Arbeidsovereenkomst heeft met een Zorgorganisatie.
heeft superklassen
Leerling-werknemer c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Apprentice

Editorial: Leerling-Werknemer is de Rol van een Persoon die in het kader van de Wet Educatie- en Beroepsonderwijs een Beroepsbegeleidende opleiding of een HBO-duale opleiding volgt en een Arbeidsovereenkomst heeft met een Werkgever.
heeft superklassen
Werknemer c
heeft subklassen
BBL-Verzorgende IG niveau 3 c, Leerling-verpleegkundige c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#LengthQuality

Editorial: LengthQuality is a QuantitativeMeasurementQuality that characterizes the linear extent in space of some PhysicalObject.
Examples include: "the length of a feeding tube", "the length of his left leg", "the length of the table", "his lenght (is 6 ft)", etc.
heeft superklassen
Kwantitatief-meetbare eigenschap c
heeft subklassen
Diameter c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#UnitOfLength

Editorial: UnitOfLength represents the standardized units of length such as 'inch' and 'nanometer'.
heeft superklassen
Niet-samengestelde meeteenheid c
heeft leden
Centimeter ni, Meter ni

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#LengthValue

Editorial: Instances of LengthValue express the quantity values of the physical quality Length.
heeft superklassen
Kwantificeerbare meetwaarde c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Alive

Editorial: Alive is the AnimacyQuality that characterizes that some Organism is alive.
heeft superklassen
Levend of dood-eigenschap c

Levend of dood-eigenschapc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#AnimacyQuality

Editorial: AnimacyQuality is an BiologicalQuality that inheres in Organisms and characterizes the animate state of this Organism, more precisely if it is Dead or Alive.
heeft superklassen
Organische eigenschap c
heeft subklassen
Dood c, Levend c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Cell

FMA: "Anatomical structure, each instance of which has as its boundary the external surface of some maximally connected plasma membrane. Examples: lymphocyte, fibroblast, erythrocyte, neuron."
heeft superklassen
Menselijke anatomische entiteit c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#BodyPositionQuality

An existing value set can be reused to model the possible values of this quality. See: onz-g:BodyPositionValue for a description of values as defined in SNOMED.
Editorial: BodyPositionQuality is a BiologicalQuality that characterizes the physical configuration that some Organism can take.
'lichaamspositie', 'houding', 'positie', etc.
heeft superklassen
Organische eigenschap c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#BodyPositionValue

For a set of shared domain concepts that express possible values for BodyPositionValue, we refer to e.g. SnoMed concept: 9851009 (Body position finding) and its subconcepts.
Editorial: Instances of BodyPositionValue express the different physical configurations that the human body can take such as 'Fowler's position', 'supine position' and 'supported sitting'.
heeft superklassen
Organisme-eigenschapswaarde c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#BodySubstance

Note that the FMA treats body substances such as 'liver tissue' and 'blood' as portions of substance, meaning that all subclasses in the FMA do carry Unity (+U). In onz-g, we handle all substances as -U. Hence, depending on the information need and the kind of data to be typed with the onz-g ontology, end users are advised to reuse the FMA for anatomical entities if the data are very specific for the medical domain. If not, the more coarse-grained classes for tissues and body substances can be used that are modeled in onz-g. In short, the FMA and the onz-g are not fully compatible in how substances are modeled; this needs to be considered if data labeled with FMA and onz-g were to be integrated. Also see: (http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma.owl) For notes on the FMA and the integration in onz-g, also see the comments provided for the class onz-g: HumanAnatomicalEntity.
sumo: BodySubstance is a Substance that consists of "extracellular material and mixtures of cells and extracellular material that are produced, excreted or accreted by an Organism."
Examples are: 'saliva', 'blood', 'hormone', 'feces', 'urine', 'bone tissue', 'muscle tissue', etc.
heeft superklassen
Substantie c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#List

List is is the subclass of InformationObject and consists of a list of items arranged and/or ordered according to some organizing principle.
Examples: a shopping list, a criminal record, a code list, a waiting list, a play list, etc.
heeft superklassen
Abstract informatieobject c
heeft subklassen
Codelijst c, Wachtlijst c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#LocalizablePlaceInformationObject

Editorial: LocalizablePlaceInformationObject is a PlaceDescriptionInformationObject that is used to identify some LocalizableArea.
Examples are postcodes, highway numbers, addresses, etc.
heeft superklassen
Plaats- of locatieidentifier c
heeft subklassen
Adres c

Lokaliseerbaar gebiedc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#LocalizableArea

Note that bag:AdresseerbaarObject subsumes classes that denote both GeographicAreas and Artifacts which is not a modeling approach we adhere to in onz-g as it leads to inconsistencies. Hence, we do not create any mapping here.
LocalizableArea is a GeographicArea that can be identified by some LocalizablePlaceInformationObject such as an Address or Postcode.
heeft superklassen
Geografisch gebied c
heeft subklassen
Postcodegebied c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#SizeQuality

Note that the actual values of some SizeQuality such as "8" or "large" are modeled with a SizeQualityValue.
SizeQuality is a QuantitativeMeasurementQuality that characterizes the physical magnitude of some PhysicalEndurant.
Examples include: "These shoes are size 11", "We need a larger size dressing for that wound", "This is an average-sized nursing home", etc.
heeft superklassen
Kwantitatief-meetbare eigenschap c

Maatschappelijk informatieobjectc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#SocialInformationObject

Editorial: SocialInformationObject is an InformationObject that expresses knowledge, facts, statements or regulations on some aspect or aspects of Human interaction.
Examples are: 'the content of some law', 'the service agreement of your car dealer', 'a collective labour agreement', 'the content of an employment contract', etc.
heeft superklassen
Abstract informatieobject c
heeft subklassen
Administratief informatieobject c, Opleidingsplan c, Overeenkomst c, Wet c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#SizeValue

Editorial: Instances of SizeValue express the values of the PhysicalMeasurementQuality SizeQuality.
Examples include: These shoes have a size "11"; this is a "small"-sized dog breed, etc.
heeft superklassen
Kwantificeerbare meetwaarde c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Man

heeft superklassen
Mens c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Manager

Editorial: Manager is the subclass of OccupationalPositionRole where some Human carries out a specific function within some Organization that includes e.g. organizing-, coordinating-, supervising- and decisional tasks.
heeft superklassen
Functie in organisatie-rol c

Mannelijk geslachtc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#MaleSex

MaleSex is a Quality that inheres in Organisms and expresses the male biological sex of some Organism.
heeft superklassen
Geslacht c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#VoluntaryCaregiver

Editorial: Een Mantelzorger is iemand die langdurig, vrijwillig en onbetaald voor een chronisch zieke, gehandicapte of hulpbehoevende partner, (schoon)ouder, kind of ander familielid, vriend of kennis zorgt.
heeft superklassen
Vrijwilliger c

Massa of gewichtc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#MassQuality

MassQuality is a QuantitativeMeasurementQuality that characterizes the weight of some PhysicalEndurant.
heeft superklassen
Kwantitatief-meetbare eigenschap c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#CoDeterminationOrganization

Editorial: CoDeterminationOrganization is an Organization that consist of Persons who consult on topics and issues regarding some aspects of the managment of the Organization that the CoDeterminationOrganization is part of or affiliated with.
heeft superklassen
Organisatie c

Medisch classificatiesysteemc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#MedicalClassificationSystem

Editorial: Instances of MedicalClassificationSystem are descriptive structures that provide some shared organization and definition of Human health and functioning levels in the broadest sense.
heeft superklassen
Classificatiesysteem c

Medische beoordelingswaardec
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#MedicalRatingValue

An example data value is e.g. '85%', which can be the value of the general performance of some human in daily activities, assessed with the Barthel scale as the instance of onz-g:MedicalClassificationSystem.
Editorial: Instances of MedicalRatingValue express values for some BiologicalQuality based on some medical classification or rating system.
heeft superklassen
Normatieve waarde c

Medische foutc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ErroneousTherapeuticIntervention

Note that ErroneousTherapeuticInterventions are restricted to those events that involve errors in some task or procedure carried out on some PatientInCare. For other errors that can be associated with patient safety, see onz-g:ErroneousAdministrativeContentDevelopment for administrative errors and onz-g:ErroneousDispenseOfMedicalSubstance for dispensing errors.
Editorial: ErroneousTherapeuticIntervention is the subclass of TherapeuticIntervention where some Caregiver makes some unintended error while carrying out some therapeutic task or procedure on a PatientInCare.
heeft superklassen
Therapeutische interventie c

Medische gegevensc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#MedicalInformationObject

Editorial: MedicalInformationObject is the class for medical information and case history concerning some PatientInCare.
'medische informatie', 'patientdossier', 'medische voorgeschiedenis', 'contactverslag'.
heeft superklassen
Abstract informatieobject c

Medische score of -waarderingseigenschapc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#MedicalRatingQuality

Editorial: MedicalRatingQuality is an AbstractQuality that characterizes the severity, stage or level of some DiseaseOrSyndrome or BiologicalQuality in some Organism.
Examples: the severity or stage of some pressure ulcer, the development stage of some neoplasm, the level of hearing loss, etc.
heeft superklassen
Normatieve waarde eigenschap c

Medische volmachtc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#HealthcareProxy

Editorial: MedischeVolmacht is een beschrijving waarin een Persoon een ander aanwijst om medische beslissingen te nemen wanneer de Persoon zelf geen beslissingen meer kan nemen over medische behandelingen of zijn eigen gezondheid door wilsonbekwaamheid veroorzaakt door ziekte of aandoeningen.
heeft superklassen
Fysiek certificaat c

Meet- of vaststelgebeurtenisc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#AssessingEvent

Editorial: AssessingEvent is the subclass of InvestigationEvent where some Human evaluates, calculates or measures some Quality of an Entity.
heeft superklassen
Onderzoekgebeurtenis c
heeft subklassen
Auditgebeurtenis c, Diagnostiseergebeurtenis c, Meetgebeurtenis c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#UnitOfMeasure

SUMO: A standard of measurement for some dimension. For example, the Meter is a UnitOfMeasure for the dimension of length, as is the Inch. There is no intrinsic property of a UnitOfMeasure that makes it primitive or fundamental, rather, a system of units (e.g. SystemeInternationalUnit) defines a set of orthogonal dimensions and assigns units for each.
heeft superklassen
Abstracte entiteit c
heeft subklassen
Niet-samengestelde meeteenheid c, Samengestelde meeteenheid c
is disjunct met
Waarde c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#MeasuringEvent

Editorial: MeasuringEvent is the subclass of AssessingEvent where some Human determines the QuantativeMeasurementQuality of some Entity.
'He measured the length of the tube'; 'she weighed the patient carefully', etc.
heeft superklassen
Meet- of vaststelgebeurtenis c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#MeasuringDevice

Editorial: Meetinstrument is een fysiek hulpmiddel dat als doel heeft om als instrument te worden gebruikt bij het vaststellen van een hoeveelheid van iets (specifiek: een QuantitativeMeasurementValue).
Examples: a blood pressure gauge, a thermometer, etc.
heeft superklassen
Fysiek hulpmiddel c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Human

'mens', 'persoon', 'individu'.
heeft superklassen
Zoogdier c
heeft subklassen
Intersekse persoon c, Man c, Vrouw c

Menselijke anatomische entiteitc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#HumanAnatomicalEntity

For an extensive scientifically motivated and medically approved ontology for the structure of the human body, we refer to the Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology (FMA). For onz-g, we included a small set of subclasses of http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma/fma67135(= Post natal anatomical structure) that refer to FMA by means of SKOS mappings. The fully axiomatized version of FMA can be downloaded here: https://bioportal.bioontology.org/ontologies/FMA Also see: -Rosse, C., & Mejino Jr, J. L. (2003). A reference ontology for biomedical informatics: the Foundational Model of Anatomy. Journal of biomedical informatics, 36(6), 478-500. -http://sig.biostr.washington.edu/projects/fm/AboutFM.html
HumanAnatomicalEntity is an OrganicObject "which is generated by coordinated expression of the organisms own genes that guide its morphogenesis; has inherent 3D shape; its parts are connected and spatially related to one another in patterns determined by coordinated gene expression." Source: The Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology (FMA). (http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma.owl)
heeft superklassen
Dier-anatomische entiteit c
heeft subklassen
Anatomisch cluster c, Elementair lichaamsdeel c, Elementair orgaandeel c, Hoeveelheid lichaamsweefsel c, Lichaamscel c, Orgaan c, Orgaansysteem c
is disjunct met
Organisme c

Menselijke interactie (proces)c
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#SocialInteractionProcess

Note that not all processes where Humans may interact are therefore necessarily to be interpreted as a SocialInteractionProcess This class defines processes where the focus is on some intentional interaction between humans or groups of humans only and where there is, for all instances, no inherent change in the world as a result of the process other than 'not happening'.
Editorial: SocialInteractionProcess is an IntentionalProcess where Humans interact with eachother without an inherent result that holds for all instances of this class.
heeft superklassen
Intentioneel proces c
heeft subklassen
Assisteren c, Bijeenkomst c, Communiceren c, Samenwerken c, Service- Of Dienstverlening c, Werken c

Menselijke interactie-gebeurtenisc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#SocialInteractionEvent

Note that not all events where Humans may interact are therefore necessarily to be interpreted as a SocialInteractionEvent. This class defines events where the focus is on some intentional interaction between humans or groups of humans only and where there is some inherent change in the world as a result of the event other than 'not happening'. As some contrastive examples of happenings that (may) involve some (human) interaction but are not considered subclasses of SocialInteraction: - onz-g:Meeting is not an SocialInteractionEvent but considered a subclass of SocialInteractionProcess since there is no inherent result that holds for all instances of onz-g:Meeting besides of 'meeting is over/does no longer exist'. - onz-g:Killing and onz-g:Injuring are subclasses of InternalChange and not SocialInteractionEvent as a.) they not necessarily involve only Humans interacting and b.) not all injuring and killing events are intentional.
Editorial: SocialInteractionEvent is an IntentionalEvent where Humans interact with eachother with some inherent result.
Examples are: 'John sold a car to Mary', 'John got fired/hired/promoted', 'she debrided the wound carefully', 'He slapped her in the face', etc.
heeft superklassen
Intentionele gebeurtenis c
heeft subklassen
Geweldadige interactie c, Therapeutische interventie c, Verandering in organisatie c, Verandering van eigendom of bezit-gebeurtenis c, Vrijheidsbeperkende gebeurtenis c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Method

Editorial: Method is systematic description on the way of doing something in an orderly and logical arrangement.
heeft superklassen
Procedure-descriptie c
heeft subklassen
Techniekdescriptie c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Ministry

Editorial: Ministerie is een Overheidsorganisatie die onder de leiding van een minister het regeringsbeleid voorbereidt en uitvoert op een specifiek bestuursgebied.
heeft superklassen
Bestuurlijke overheidsorganisatie c
heeft leden
Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport ni

Mobiliteit- en bewegingswaardec
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#BodyMotionValue

For a set of shared domain concepts that express possible values for BodyMotionValue, we refer to e.g. SnoMed and ZIB. Note that the ZIB includes both abilities/capabilities that are subtypes of onz-g:BodyMotionCapability as well as values assigned to these capabilities. The latter should be modeled as instances of this class.
Editorial: Instances of BodyMotionValue express the different physical movements that the human body can make such as 'squatting' and 'raise left arm'.
heeft superklassen
Organisme-eigenschapswaarde c

Mobiliteitsbeperkend middelc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PhysicalRestraintDevice

Deze klasse bestrijkt die fysieke objecten die primair ontwikkeld zijn om de bewegingsvrijheid van een Persoon te beperken. Voor Handelingen die als 'vrijheidsbeperkend' kunnen worden ingezet verwijzen we naar onz-g:FreedomRestrictionEvent ;voor Artefacten zoals een 'bedhek' die als secundaire functie de vrijheid van een Persoon kunnen beperken, verwijzen we naar onz-g:FreedomRestrictionRole.
Editorial: MobiliteitsBeperkendMiddel is een Hulpmiddel dat er primair voor bedoeld is om een Persoon te beperken in haar bewegingsvrijheid om letsel en/of gevaarlijke situaties voor de Persoon en/of Personen in de omgeving te voorkomen.
Voorbeelden zijn: Zweedse band, Bratexband, polsband, enkelband.
heeft superklassen
Fysiek hulpmiddel c
heeft subklassen
Bratexband c, Zweedse band c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#DentalHygienist

Editorial: DentalHygienist is the HealthcareProfessionRole of a Human who carries out preventive and small restorative actions to maintain oral health in Humans.
heeft superklassen
Zorgprofessional c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#NameIdentifier

Note that instances of NameIdentifier are not unique and that some entity may have none, one or more NameIdentifiers.
NameIdentifier is an IdentifierInformationObject that identifies some Entity in a linguistic form.
heeft superklassen
Identifier-informatieobject c
heeft subklassen
Organisatienaam c, Persoonsnaam c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Nationality

Note that some Human can have one, two or even multiple nationalities.
Nationality is a RelationalQuality that inheres in some Human and characterizes the Country of which some Human is considered a citizen by e.g. a law or official documentation.
heeft superklassen
Relationele eigenschap c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#NationalityValue

Editorial: Instances of NationalityValue express the value(s) of the Quality Nationality that inheres in some Human.
heeft superklassen
Relationele fysieke waarde c

Niet-fysieke endurantc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#NonPhysicalEndurant

DOLCE: "An endurant with no mass, generically constantly depending on some agent."
heeft superklassen
Endurant c
heeft subklassen
Abstract informatieobject c, Descriptie c, Financiële entiteit c, Rol c
is disjunct met
Concrete endurant c

Niet-samengestelde meeteenheidc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#NonCompositeUnitOfMeasure

SUMO: Instances of this Class are UnitsOfMeasure that are applied to a single dimension, and so are not intrinsically defined by the functional composition of other units.
heeft superklassen
Meeteenheid c
heeft subklassen
Fysieke inhoudseenheid c, Gewichtseenheid c, Lengte-eenheid c, Temperatuureenheid c, Tijdsduureenheid c, Valutatype-eenheid c
heeft leden
Percent ni, Promille ni

Normatieve waardec
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#NormativeValue

An example of a classification system is the European Qualification Framework that can be used to assign some value for the educational level of a nurse. This framework is a norm according to which some normative value is assigned, in this case e.g. 'Level 4'.
Editorial: Instances of NormativeValue express values of abstract qualities that are derived, assigned or assessed via some shared classification and/or normative system.
heeft superklassen
Abstracte waarde c
heeft subklassen
Geldigheidswaarde c, Kwalificatieniveau-waarde c, Medische beoordelingswaarde c

Normatieve waarde eigenschapc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#NormativeQuality

Editorial: NormativeValueQuality is an AbstractQuality that expresses some quality that is derived, assigned or assessed by Humans via some shared classification and/or normative system.
Exampes are: the 'severity' of some condition, the 'education level' of some healthcare professional, the 'stage' of some progressive condition, the 'appropriateness' of a movie for some age category, the 'degree of accessibility' of some building for disabled persons, the 'validity' of some passport/drivers license, etc.
heeft superklassen
Abstracte eigenschap c
heeft subklassen
Geldigheidseigenschap c, Kwalificatieniveau c, Medische score of -waarderingseigenschap c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#InvestigationEvent

Note that typical subprocesses of investigating such as 'thinking' and 'comparing' are intentional cognitive processes and not subclasses of onz-g:InvestigationEvent. The difference is that intentional cognitive processes are realized entirely within the human brain while instances of InvestigationEvent also comprise body-external actions. See also: onz-g: CognitiveProcess
Editorial: InvestigationEvent is an IntentionalEvent where some Human carries out some action to obtain information.
Examples are : investigate.v., audit.v, search.v, analyse diagnostically.v, examine.v, inspect.v., etc.
heeft superklassen
Intentionele gebeurtenis c
heeft subklassen
Meet- of vaststelgebeurtenis c

Ontvanger semantische rolc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#RecipientCaseRole

Examples: "Yesterday, Mary mailed the letter to JOHN." "JOHN received a letter in the mail."
Editorial: A RecipientCaseRole is played by a participant of some Perdurant and is the intended target of some transfer service.
heeft superklassen
Semantische rol c

Onverplaatsbaar artefactc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#StationaryArtifact

Note that StationaryArtifact and its subclasses are restricted to Artifacts only. Objects that have a fixed location but are not man-made (a river, a rock formation) are NOT StationaryArtifacts. Also note that 'parts' of StationaryArtifacts such as a porch or a room are also StationaryArtifacts as they have a fixed spatial location (and are located within some other StationaryArtifact). Also note that NOT all possible parts or components of some StationaryArtifact are therefore StationaryArtifacts as well. See also e.g. onz-g:Device, onz-g:EngineeringComponent and onz-g:Artifact.
sumo: StationaryArtifact is an Artifact that has a fixed spatial location.
Examples are: house, bridge, toll booth, porch, canal, room, etc.
heeft superklassen
Artefact c
heeft subklassen
Gebouw c, Onzelfstandig vertrek of ruimte c, Verblijfsobject c

Onzelfstandig vertrek of ruimtec
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#DependentStationaryArtifact

DependentStationaryArtifact is a StationaryArtifact with a fixed spatial location that is structurally dependent on some other StationaryArtifact.
Examples: a room, the left wing of some building, a hallway, etc.
Voorbeelden: vleugel, verdieping, kamer, hal, etc.
heeft superklassen
Onverplaatsbaar artefact c
heeft subklassen
Kamer of ruimte c

Openbaar gebiedc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PublicArea

Editorial: PublicArea is a GeopoliticalArea that is owned by some GovernementOrganization.
heeft superklassen
Geopolitiek gebied c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#EducationClassificationSystem

Editorial: Instances of EducationClassificationSystem are descriptive structures that provide some shared organization and definition of the educational levels that exist in some domain.
An example instance of this class is the European Classifications Framework.
heeft superklassen
Classificatiesysteem c
heeft leden
Europees Kwalificatie Raamwerk ni

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#EducationalLevelQuality

EducationalLevelQuality characterizes the level of education/professional training received by some Human.
heeft superklassen
Kwalificatieniveau c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#EducationalLevelValue

Educational Level values are usually assigned via some shared classification system. Note however that the ontology does not make a commitment on this point; the model is open to all values that refer to some EducationalLevelValue.
Editorial: Instances of EducationalLevelValue express values for the level of education of some CognitiveAgent.
heeft superklassen
Kwalificatieniveau-waarde c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#EducationPlan

Editorial: Opleidingsplan is een Plan waarbij een Organisatie inventariseert en beschrijft wanneer en welke opleidingen en cursussen worden aangeboden aan leden van de Organisatie met als doel het kennisniveau van de Organisatie op peil te houden of verder uit te breiden.
Voorbeelden: een opleidingsplan, een scholingsplan, etc.
heeft superklassen
Maatschappelijk informatieobject c
heeft subklassen
Persoonlijk opleidingsplan c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#OnCallWorker

Editorial: Oproepkracht is de Rol van een Persoon die op afroep arbeid verricht voor een ander Persoon of Organisatie in ruil voor een financiële compensatie en waarbij de onderlinge afspraken, rechten en plichten zijn vastgelegd in een Arbeidscontract.
heeft superklassen
Werknemer c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Optician

Editorial: Optician is the Role of a Human who fits and supplies corrective lenses for the correction of a persons vision.
heeft superklassen
Beroeps- of ambachtsrol c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Organ

FMA: "Anatomical structure, each instance of which has a maximal complement of instances of two or more types of tissue or one or more types of essential morphologic unit, a predominantly bona fide boundary and intrinsic vasculature and neural network. Examples: liver, lung, kidney, stomach, urinary bladder, gall bladder."
heeft superklassen
Menselijke anatomische entiteit c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#OrganSystem

FMA: "Anatomical structure, each instance of which has as its direct parts instances of one or more organ types which are interconnected with one another by zones of continuity. Examples: nervous system, cardiovascular system, alimentary system."
heeft superklassen
Menselijke anatomische entiteit c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Organization

Note that sub organizations such as 'department' or a 'advisory board' are an Organization as well. For instance, 'Amsterdam Academic Hospital' is an instance of Organization, more specifically an instance of HospitalOrganization. Their Cardiology Department is an instance of CareOrganization while the Bookkeeping Department is an instance of e.g. AccountingOrganization. To define that these instances are part of a larger Organization, we use the property onz-g:hasPart'. This means that the number of different departments of some Organization can be inferred from the number of hasPart properties to another instance classified as Organization. What should or should not be considered a sub organization specifically within the Nursing Home care domain, and on what grounds, should be determined and defined outside the generic ontology. The onz-g ontology is deliberately not restricive in this.
Wikipedia: "Organisatie is een doelgerichte samenbundeling van kennis, vaardigheden en kracht tussen meerdere personen die primair middelen en activiteiten aanwendt om te voorzien in de behoefte aan producten en/of diensten in haar omgeving."
heeft superklassen
Groep mensen c
heeft subklassen
Bedrijf c, Bestuurlijke overheidsorganisatie c, Medezeggenschapsorganisatie c, Pubieke dienst-organisatie c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#OrganizationName

OrganizationName is a NameIdentifier that identifies some Organization with a linguistic form.
heeft superklassen
Naamidentifier c

Organisch objectc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#OrganicObject

Editorial: OrganicObject is a CorpuscularObject that is considered to come in existence, live and die. This class encompasses Organisms such as 'animal' and 'tree' as well as AnatomicalStructures such as 'liver' and 'leaf'.
heeft superklassen
Corpusculair object c
heeft subklassen
Anatomische entiteit c, Organisme c, Pathologisch-anatomische entiteit c

Organische eigenschapc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#BiologicalQuality

Editorial: BiologicalQuality is an InternalQuality that inheres specifically in Organisms.
Examples are 'being able to bend your knee', 'dead', 'having dementia', 'being incontinent', 'happy', 'having some pressure sore', etc.
heeft superklassen
Interne eigenschap c
heeft subklassen
Abnormale morfologische eigenschap c, Beweeglijkheid van lichaam c, Genderidentiteit c, Geslacht c, Leeftijd c, Levend of dood-eigenschap c, Lichaamspositie c, Psychologische of cognitieve eigenschap c, Vermogen tot uitvoeren van zelfzorg c, Ziekte of syndroom c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Organism

For a scientifically motivated taxonomy for Organisms we refer to e.g. the NCBI . Here, we included a basic set of subclasses covering only a coarse grained categorization of Organisms. Note that taxonomies for species may follow a different approach for conceptual specialization based on sets and members and not subclasses! For the owl version: http://www.obofoundry.org/ontology/ncbitaxon.html Online browser (no uris): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi
Editorial: Organism is an OrganicObject that can function or act independently.
heeft superklassen
Organisch object c
heeft subklassen
Bacterie c, Dier c, Plant c, Schimmel c, Virus c
is disjunct met
Menselijke anatomische entiteit c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#BiologicalValue

Editorial: Instances of BiologicalValue indicate values for Qualities that only inhere in Organisms.
heeft superklassen
Interne fysieke waarde c
heeft subklassen
ADL-waarde c, Genderidentiteitswaarde c, Leeftijdswaarde c, Lichaamspositiewaarde c, Mobiliteit- en bewegingswaarde c

Ouder van een kindc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Parent

Editorial: Parent is the Role of some Human who has or has had at least one descendent.
heeft superklassen
Verwante of familielid c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Agreement

Editorial: Agreement is a SocialInformationObject that expresses some negotiated and possibly legally binding arrangement between parties as to some situation or action.
heeft superklassen
Maatschappelijk informatieobject c
heeft subklassen
Account c, Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Participant

The class Participant is further specialized in so called case roles. Case roles are semantic roles played by participants of an event, process or situation. Note that the use of case roles is fully optional but allows for finegrained data retrieval on event participants. Our definition of case roles follows the theory of the linguist Charles Fillmore. In short, case roles describe what role some entity plays in an event, e.g. if it is doing something, undergoing something or using something. In this ontology, we use case role as a specification of the general role Participant. For example, in the sentence 'Mary hit John with vase', we have three participants: Mary, John and a vase. With case roles, you can specify the semantic role of the participants: 'Mary' is the Agent, 'John' the Patient and 'the vase' the Theme. Having case roles for participants of an event allows for specific queries that ask for e.g. all persons participating in some reported agressive incident in the role of AgentCaseRole or PatientCaseRole. In other words: ultimately it allows to specify whether a) some PatientInCare hit a Caregiver or b.) some Caregiver hit a PatientIncare or c) some PatientInCare hit another PatientInCare. Also see: Fillmore, Charles J. (April 1967). "The case for case". Proceedings of the Texas Symposium, on Language Universals. For a fine-grained implementation of case roles, see FrameNet: https://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu/fndrupal/.
Editorial: Participant is a Role that is played by some Entity when involved in some Perdurant.
heeft superklassen
Participatie in proces-rol c
heeft subklassen
Semantische rol c

Participatie in proces-rolc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ProcessualRole

Editorial: A ProcessualRole corresponds to the manner in which a single participant behaves in some Perdurant.
heeft superklassen
Rol c
heeft subklassen
Participant c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Particular

This is the top node of the ontology.
heeft subklassen
Abstracte entiteit c, TijdEnPlaatsGebondenEntiteit c
is in domein van
formeel gedefinieerd door op, gedefinieerd door op, is onderwerp van op
is in bereik van
definieert op, definieert formeel op, gaat over op

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Partner

Editorial: Partner is the Role of some Human and corresponds to the relation someone has to another Human where both contend to share intimacy and significant parts of their personal lives.
heeft superklassen
Verwante of familielid c
heeft subklassen
Echtgenoot of echtgenote c

Pathologisch procesc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PathologicProcess

Note that PathologicalProcesses can be interpreted as a symptom of some disease or syndrom (modeled as onz-g:Qualities), see: onz-g:Symptom (a subclass of onz-g:AbstractRole) and the explanation provided there.
Editorial: PathologicProcess is a non canonical BiologicalProcess, i.e. any disordered BiologicalProcess in an Organism as a whole or of multiple Organs or Tissues.
Examples: 'allergic response', 'necrosis' (process), 'atrophy', 'inflammation', 'cancerogenesis', 'vomiting', 'degeneration', 'atherosclerosis', 'muscle spasms', 'kidney stone formation', etc.
heeft superklassen
Biologisch proces c

Pathologisch-anatomische entiteitc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PathologicAnatomicalEntity

Editorial: PathologicAnatomicalEntity is an AnatomicalEntity which is not normally found in the Organism of which it is a part, and it is the result of some PathologicProcess.
heeft superklassen
Organisch object c

Patiens semantische rolc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PatientCaseRole

Examples: "THE LAKE froze to depths of 6 feet." "Mary hit JOHN with a baseball bat."
Editorial: A PatientCaseRole is played by a participant of some Perdurant where participant undergoes/is affected by/changed by some Perdurant in the broadest sense.
heeft superklassen
Semantische rol c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Perdurant

As a more formal definition and explanation: Perdurants are only partially present at some point in time and extend in time by accumulating different temporal parts. For example "driving his car to Amsterdam" consist of different temporal parts or phases: driving his car at time 1, 2 and 3. As such, the driving accumulates temporal parts while the driving at time 1 and 2 are no longer present at time 3. In onz-g, Perdurants are further specialized into EventivePerdurant and StativePerdurant following the modeling approach in DOLCE. The difference can be explained and illustrated as follows: -A perdurant is considered an EventivePerdurant if it is cumulative: "selling this car at time 1" and "selling this car at time 2 implies two different sellings. -A perdurant is considered a StativePerdurant if it is not cumulative: "owning this car at time 1" and "owning this car at time 2" does result in one owning a car and not two. Note that expressions in Natural Language that relate to Perdurants show different complementation and aspectual structures that indicate whether some expression is to be understood as e.g. an EventivePerdurant or a StativePerdurant. For example: "John is driving his car" would be considered a Process while "John drove his car to Amsterdam" would indicate an EventivePerdurant. In onz-g, we deliberately abstract over these distinctions and realizations in Natural Language. As a rule of thumb, we define a class such as onz-g:Translocation as a subclass of EventivePerdurant since we consider translocations (e.g. drive, fly, walk) to be intrinsically cumulative.
Editorial: Perdurants are entities that unfold in time and have only temporal parts.
'run', 'think', 'inflation', 'volcanic eruption', 'meeting', 'celebrate', 'hospitalize', 'heal', 'election'.
heeft superklassen
TijdEnPlaatsGebondenEntiteit c
heeft subklassen
Eventieve perdurant c, Periode c, Statische perdurant c
is disjunct met
Endurant c, Eigenschap of kenmerk c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ProperPeriod

Een test of iets een onz-g:TemporalMeasure is (dag , week, uur etc) is OF een ProperPeriod: De begin- en eindtijd of de duur staan niet vast, kunnen schuiven en/of kunnen onbekend zijn. Als dat zo is: ProperPeriod. Dus: -een 'week' in de zin van 'zeven dagen van 24 uur' is een TemporalMeasure. -een 'week' in de zin van een 'werkweek' die kan verschillen in 'duur' is een ProperPeriod. Let ook op het verschil met StativePerdurants.
"A temporal entity with non-zero extent or duration, i.e. for which the value of the beginning and end are different."
Examples are: 'reces', 'summer', 'fiscal year', 'parental leave', 'Christmas holidays', 'a sick day', 'work week'.
Voorbeelden: 'verlofperiode', 'werkweek', 'ziektedag', 'lunchpauze', 'boekjaar', 'zomer/zomerperiode', 'Kerstvakantie', etc.
heeft superklassen
Perdurant c
heeft subklassen
Financiële periode c, Periode van afwezigheid van werk c, Werkperiode c

Periode van afwezigheid van werkc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PeriodOfAbsenceFromWork

Editorial: PeriodOfAbsenceFromWork is the subclass of ProperPeriod that captures all proper time intervals associated with (partially) being absent from work and/or carrying out tasks while being in employment and/or having some form of labouring contract.
Voorbeelden zijn: 'zwangerschapsverlof', 'atv-dag', 'adv-dag', 'ziekteperiode', 'ouderschapsverlof', 'vakantiedag', 'met sabbatical', 'onbetaald verlof', etc.
heeft superklassen
Periode c

Persoonlijk opleidingsplanc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PersonalEducationPlan

Editorial: PersoonlijkOpleidingsplan is een Plan waarbij een Organisatie en een Medewerker beschrijven en overeenkomen wanneer en welke opleidingen en cursussen worden gevolgd met als doel het kennisniveau van de Medewerker op peil te houden of verder uit te breiden.
heeft superklassen
Opleidingsplan c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PersonName

PersonName is a NameIdentifier that identifies some Human with a linguistic form.
heeft superklassen
Naamidentifier c

Plaats- en ruimtewaardec
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#SpatialValue

Editorial: Instances of SpatialValue characterize the position of some entity in a spatial dimension.
heeft superklassen
Relationele fysieke waarde c
heeft subklassen
Geografische plaats-waarde c, Relatieve plaats-waarde c

Plaats- of locatieidentifierc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PlaceDescriptionInformationObject

Also see the explanation provided for the class onz-g:LocalizableArea for the use of onz-g:SpatialValue and onz-g:LocalizablePlaceDescription.
Editorial: PlaceDescriptionInformationObject is an IdentifierInformationObject that is used to identify some Area by means of some InformationObject, i.e. not a SpatialValue or a GeographicValue.
Examples are: a postcode, an address, etc.
heeft superklassen
Identifier-informatieobject c
heeft subklassen
Localiseerbaar-gebiedsidentifier c, Virtuele-plaatsidentifer c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Plan

sumo: "A specification of a sequence of Processes which is intended to satisfy a specified purpose at some future time."
heeft superklassen
Procedure-descriptie c
heeft subklassen
Richtlijn c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Plant

Editorial: Plant is an Organism that has cellolose cell walls and (usually) chlorophyll.
heeft superklassen
Organisme c

Plant-anatomische entiteitc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PlantAnatomicalEntity

Note that some PlantAnatomicallyEntities are typically associated with having a FoodRole, e.g. 'apple' and 'banana' ( both anatomical reproductive plant entities). Also note that in Natural Language, plant organisms and their anatomical entity may share the same word, e.g. 'apple' refers to 1. the tree species Malus domestica and (onz-g:Plant) 2. a fruit produced by this tree (onz-g:PlantAnatomicalEntity) Likewise: 'banana', 'beet', 'lettuce', 'corn', 'onion', etc.
PlantAnatomicalEntity is an OrganicObject "which is generated by coordinated expression of the Plants own genes that guide its morphogenesis; has inherent 3D shape; its parts are connected and spatially related to one another in patterns determined by coordinated gene expression." Definition derived from: The Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology (FMA). (http://purl.org/sig/ont/fma.owl)
Examples are apple (the fruit, not the tree), leaf, root, pollen, seed, xylem, etc.
heeft superklassen
Anatomische entiteit c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PostcodeArea

A PostcodeArea often falls within some GeopoliticalArea such as a District, Municipality or CityOrVillage. Note however that a PostcodeArea has no legislative or adminsitrative body while GeopoliticalAreas do, hence it is a subclass of LocalizableArea and not GeopoliticalArea.
PostcodeArea is a LocalizableArea that is identified by some Postcode.
heeft superklassen
Lokaliseerbaar gebied c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PreventiveRole

Editorial: PreventiveRole is a role assigned to some PhysicalObject that has as a secondary function to acts as something intended to prevent some event, process or situation from happening.
heeft superklassen
Abstracte rol c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Procedure

Note that performing or carrying out some Procedure is NOT a Description but a Perdurant.
Editorial: Procedure is a sequence-dependent specification of actions involved to achieve some intended result.
heeft superklassen
Descriptie c
heeft subklassen
Methode c, Plan c

Professioneel bewindvoerderc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ProfessionalLegalGuardian

Editorial: ProfessionalLegalGuardian is the OccupationalRole of a Person who has the legal authority and the corresponding duties to care for the property interests of other Persons.
heeft superklassen
Beroeps- of ambachtsrol c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ProvinceArea

Editorial: ProvinceArea is a GeopoliticalArea that covers the area governed by some ProvinceGovernment.
heeft superklassen
Geopolitiek gebied c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Psychiatrist

Wikipedia: Psychiatrist is a MedicalDoctor who specializes in psychiatry, the branch of medicine devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, study, and treatment of mental disorders.
heeft superklassen
Arts c

Psychologisch procesc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PsychologicalProcess

Editorial: PsychologicalProcess is a BiologicalProcess which takes place in the brain of some Animal and is primarily unintentional.
heeft superklassen
Biologisch proces c

Psychologische of cognitieve eigenschapc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PsychologicalQuality

Note that specific PsychologicalQualities such as 'happy', 'confused', 'angry', 'irritated' can be modeled as individuals of this class. Alternatively, we refer to SNOMED for a vocabulary of specific psychological qualities.
Editorial: PsychologicalQuality is a BiologicalQuality that characterizes the mental, behavioural and/or cognitive state of some Organism.
heeft superklassen
Organische eigenschap c

Pubieke dienst-organisatiec
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ServiceOrganization

Editorial: PubiekeDienstOrganisatie is een Organisatie die publieke diensten levert of een overheidsbeleid uitvoert en daarbij (financiele) verantwoording aflegt en/of rapporteert bij een BestuurlijkeOverheidsOrganisatie.
heeft superklassen
Organisatie c
heeft subklassen
Zorgkantoor c
heeft leden
Centrum Indicatiestelling Zorg ni, Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit ni, zorginstituut nederland ni

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Report

Editorial: Report is a physical or digital Document that describes the findings of a study or experiment, or a series of observations.
heeft superklassen
Fysiek document c
heeft subklassen
Auditrapport c, Bestuursrapport c, Jaarrekening c

Relatieve plaats-waardec
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PositionalValue

For a domain specific set of positional values we refer to: Snomed: 106233006 (Topographical modifier); Snomed: 272425003 (General site descriptor); Snomed: 272424004 (Relative sites).
Editorial: Instances of PositionalValues are SpatialValues that characterize the orientation of some entity in relation to some other entity, e.g. 'Left', 'Upstairs', 'Dorsal', 'Upper right arm'.
heeft superklassen
Plaats- en ruimtewaarde c

Relatieve positiec
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#PositionalQuality

This Quality is to be used with the quality region pattern to describe e.g. that some PressureUlcer is positioned on the left hip of some patient. Note that e.g. 'left hip' is a datatype string of PositionalValue. Alternatively, see onz-g:PositionalValue for some reusable and standardized vocabularies for specific PositionalValues such as 'dorsal', 'left upper arm', etc.
Editorial: PositionalQualities are a RelationalQualities that characterize the orientation or position of some CorpuscularObject or Quality in relation to some (other) CorpuscularObject.
heeft superklassen
Ruimtelijke eigenschap c

Relationele eigenschapc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#RelationalQuality

Editorial: RelationalQuality is a PhysicalQuality that some Entity inheres through some relationship that it bears to another Entity or Entities.
Examples are: 'barefoot', 'motionless', 'employed', 'high priority', 'on the left', 'false', etc.
heeft superklassen
Concrete eigenschap c
heeft subklassen
Bezettingseigenschap c, Burgerlijke staat c, Nationaliteit c, Ruimtelijke eigenschap c

Relationele fysieke waardec
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#RelationalPhysicalValue

Editorial: Instances of RelationalPhysicalValue indicate the value for some RelationalQuality.
Example values may include: 'on the left', 'connected', 'fused', etc.
heeft superklassen
Concrete waarde c
heeft subklassen
Bezettingswaarde c, Burgerlijke staat-waarde c, Nationaliteitswaarde c, Plaats- en ruimtewaarde c

Relationele rolc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#RelationalRole

The main discriminative feature of Relational Roles is that they are dependent on the existence of and relation to another Role while this dependence is mutual. For example, carrying the role Brother can only exist and is dependent on the existence of another entity that carries the role Brother. A Natural Language test would be: 'you can not be an X (friend/employer/...) on your own or without some someone else being X or Y (friend/employee)'.
Loebe (2007): A RelationalRole corresponds to the way in which some Entity participates in some relation.
heeft superklassen
Rol c
heeft subklassen
Buurman of buurvrouw c, Verwante of familielid c, Vriend of vriendin c, Werker c, Werkgever c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#RehabilitationCentre

Editorial: RevalidatieCentrum is een Zorginstelling gericht op het diagnosticeren en behandelen van Personen met een functiebeperking.
heeft superklassen
Zorgorganisatie c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Guideline

Editorial: Richtlijn is een gedetailleerd Plan waarin wordt uitgelegd hoe een Persoon of Organisatie kan voldoen aan een bepaalde standaard of waarmee een doelgericht stappenplan kan worden bepaald.
heeft superklassen
Plan c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Role

Typical examples of roles are 'student', 'manager', 'sister', 'food', 'symptom'.
Editorial: A Role is a NonPhysicalObject that is played by some Endurant and depends on some context.
heeft superklassen
Niet-fysieke endurant c
heeft subklassen
Abstracte rol c, Agens c, Participatie in proces-rol c, Relationele rol c, Sociale rol c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#WheelchairTable

Zie ook de uitleg bij de klasse onz-g:Bedrail.
heeft superklassen
Engineering component c

Ruimtelijke eigenschapc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#SpatialQuality

Editorial: SpatialQuality is a RelationalQuality that inheres is SpatioTemporalParticulars and characterizes the position of some entity in relation to some other SpatioTemporalParticular.
heeft superklassen
Relationele eigenschap c
heeft subklassen
Geografische eigenschap c, Relatieve positie c

Samengestelde meeteenheidc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#CompositeUnitOfMeasure

SUMO: Instances of this Class are UnitsOfMeasure defined by the functional composition of other units, each of which might be a CompositeUnitOfMeasure or a NonCompositeUnitOfMeasure.
heeft superklassen
Meeteenheid c
heeft subklassen
Uitvoering van arbeid tijdseenheid c
heeft leden
Vierkante meter ni

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#CollaborationProcess

For mergers between Organizations that result in a new Organization, we refer to onz-g:OrganizationalMergingEvent. For processes that refer to one CognitveAgent primarily helping out another CognitiveAgent in carrying out some task, we refer to onz-g:AssistingProcess.
Editorial: CollaborationProcess is an IntentionalProcess where two or more CognitiveAgents work together with the intention to achieve some shared goal.
'samenwerken', 'samenwerking', 'meewerken', etc.
Examples are: 'The companies worked together on the development of a vaccine', 'They partnered in the lease of a car', 'The results were achieved in close collaboration with the IT department'.
heeft superklassen
Menselijke interactie (proces) c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Fungus

Editorial: Fungus is a one or multicellular Organism that lacks chlorophyll and obtains the energy to exist and grow from organic Substances.
heeft superklassen
Organisme c

Semantische rolc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#CaseRole

Note that the use of case roles is fully optional but allows for finegrained data retrieval on event participants. Our definition of case roles follows the theory of the linguist Charles Fillmore. In short, case roles describe what role some entity plays in an event, e.g. if it is doing something, undergoing something or using something. In this ontology, we use case role as a specification of the general role Participant. For example, in the sentence 'Mary hit John with vase', we have three participants: Mary, John and a vase. With case roles, you can specify the semantic role of the participants: 'Mary' is the Agent, 'John' the Patient and 'the vase' the Theme. Having case roles for participants of an event allows for specific queries that ask for e.g. all persons participating in some reported agressive incident in the role of AgentCaseRole or PatientCaseRole. In other words: ultimately it allows to specify whether a) some PatientInCare hit a Caregiver or b.) some Caregiver hit a PatientIncare or c) some PatientInCare hit another PatientInCare. Also see: Fillmore, Charles J. (April 1967). "The case for case". Proceedings of the Texas Symposium, on Language Universals. For a fine-grained implementation of case roles, see FrameNet: https://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu/fndrupal/.
Editorial: CaseRoles are semantic roles played by participants of an event, process or situation.
heeft superklassen
Participant c
heeft subklassen
Agens semantische rol c, Instrument semantische rol c, Ontvanger semantische rol c, Patiens semantische rol c, Thema semantische rol c

Service- Of Dienstverleningc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ServiceProcess

Note that this class encompasses commercial and non-commercial services, meaning that a (financial) compensation is not mandatory.
ServiceProcess is the subclass of SocialInteractionProcess where some Human and/or Organization performs a service for another Human and/or Organization.
heeft superklassen
Menselijke interactie (proces) c
heeft subklassen
Zorgdiensten c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Situation

An example may clarify what a Situation is and how it differs from Event and Process concepts : If we have an event such as: "Yesterday, John bought the car from Mary", we know that there are two different situations in reality: sit. 1: before yesterday, Mary owns the car and John didn't sit. 2: today, Mary no longer owns the car while John does. Situation 1 and 2 can be described as two different gufo:Situations: "Johns owning of this car after yesterday" and "Marys owning of this car before yesterday". Note how this is different from the concept "OwningACar" that would be considered as a subclass of StativePerdurant in onz-g. Typically, instantiated situations take the form of a named graph that consists of triples that describe what the partial and time-bounded situations is. To this end, Gufo for instance, provides a limited set of typed situations. Another, somewhat similar approach is suggested in the ESO and CEO ontologies where the situations are anonymous but 'bounded' to the event that implies some change in the world. See for more details: -Segers, R., Vossen, P., Rospocher, M., Serafini, L., Laparra, E., & Rigau, G. (2015). Eso: A frame based ontology for events and implied situations. Proceedings of MAPLEX, 2015.
Editorial: A Situation is a StativePerdurant that corresponds to partial and time-bounded representation of a piece of reality or state of things in the world.
An example of a Situation is 'Mary's owning a Ford between 2010 and 2011'.
heeft superklassen
Statische perdurant c

Sociale rolc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#SocialRole

Loebe (2007): A SocialRole corresponds to the involvement of a social object within some society.
heeft superklassen
Rol c
heeft subklassen
Beroeps- of ambachtsrol c, Cliënt c, Contactpersoon c, Curator c, Functie in organisatie-rol c, Zorgverlener c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Intern

Domeindefinitie (gebaseerd op de CAO-VVT): Stagiar is een leerling die een MBO- of een HBO-opleiding volgt binnen het OCW-opleidingsstelsel (beroepsopleidende leerweg) en vanuit deze opleiding onder begeleiding werkzaamheden verricht bij een zorgorganisatie.
heeft superklassen
Werker c

Statische perdurantc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#StativePerdurant

Also see the definition and explanation provided for the class onz-g:Perdurant on how StativePerdurant and EventivePerdurant are discriminated, including some simple Natural Language tests that help to make this distinction.
Editorial: A StativePerdurant is a Perdurant that is not cumulative and does not intrinsically imply some change in the world/state of affairs.
Examples are: cry.v, breathe.v, erosion.n, grow.v, imprisonment.n, abducted.a, etc
huilen.v, erosie.n, ademhalen.v, werken.v, ontvoerd.a, vergadering.n, managen.v, zitten.v, verblijven.v, verblijf.n, assisteren.v, etc.
heeft superklassen
Perdurant c
heeft subklassen
Biologisch proces c, Intentioneel proces c, Situatie c

Subjectieve waardec
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#SubjectiveValue

An example is some recommandation value with data values such as 'high', 'yes', 'not likely', 'no answer', '7'. Note that the 'subjective' in SubjectiveValue does not claim anything on the truth of the values but models those values that are NOT derived with some standardized classification scale (NormativeValue) or measured with some measurement device (QuantityValue). By definition, instances of SubjectiveValue do not express values that are intrinsic to any instance of an owl:Thing.
Instances of SubjectiveValue represent values that are derived and assigned by some Human on the basis of some subjective assessment and/or judgement of some Quality.
Examples include specific values for e.g. 'satisfaction', self-assessment', 'recommandation', etc.
heeft superklassen
Abstracte waarde c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Substance

Note the difference with gufo:Quantity (an objectified portion of mass) being +U and onz-g:Substance (-U). Portions of substance are countable and +U while substances itself are not. cf: 'lithium' (-U)/ 'insulin' (-U) and 'lithium pill' (+U), 'insulin dose' (+U).
sumo: Substance is a PhysicalObject "in which every part is similar to every other in every relevant respect. More precisely, something is a Substance when it has only arbitrary pieces as parts - any parts have properties which are similar to those of the whole. Note that a Substance may nonetheless have physical properties that vary. For example, the temperature, chemical constitution, density, etc. may change from one part to another. An example would be a body of water."
Examples are: water, blood, clay, gold, wood, saliva, glue, vomit, sugar.
heeft superklassen
Concrete endurant c
heeft subklassen
Biologisch-actieve substantie c, Chemische substantie c, Lichaamssubstantie c
is disjunct met
Concreet object c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#SymptomRole

An example is the DiseaseOrSyndrom 'fever' that can have the role Symptom if associated with some other DiseaseOrSyndrom such as flue, meningitis and malaria.
Editorial: SymptomRole is a role assigned to some Quality that a Human experiences or detects in a bodily function and that is associated with some disease or syndrome.
heeft superklassen
Abstracte rol c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Dentist

Editorial: Dentist is the HealthcareProfessionRole of a Human who is specialized in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and conditions of the oral cavity.
heeft superklassen
Zorgprofessional c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Technique

Definition: Technique is a description of the way to carry out a particular task or execute a method or procedure.
heeft superklassen
Methode c

Technisch systeemc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#DeviceSystem

Editorial: DeviceSystem is a VariableCollection that consists of a collection of Devices that are interconnected or work together to bring about some result or assist with some task.
Examples are: 'video surveillence system', 'fire prevention system'.
heeft superklassen
Variabele groep of collectie c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#TemperatureQuality

Editorial: TemperatureQuality is a QuantitativeMeasurementQuality that characterizes the temperature of some PhysicalObject.
heeft superklassen
Kwantitatief-meetbare eigenschap c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#UnitOfTemperature

Editorial: UnitOfTemperature represents the standardized units of temperature such as 'Celsius' and 'Fahrenheit'.
heeft superklassen
Niet-samengestelde meeteenheid c
heeft leden
Fahrenheit ni

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#TemperatureValue

Editorial: Instances of TemperatureValue express the quantity values of the physical quality Temperature.
heeft superklassen
Kwantificeerbare meetwaarde c

Temporele eigenschapc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#TemporalQuality

Editorial: TemporalQuality is a Quality that inheres in Perdurants and other Qualities.
Examples are: some Perdurant 'happened', 'took place', 'unfolded' during/at some time.
heeft superklassen
Eigenschap of kenmerk c

Thema semantische rolc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ThemeCaseRole

Examples: "Yesterday, Mary mailed THE LETTER to John." "MARY flew to New York in the newest Airbus."
Editorial: A ThemeCaseRole is played by some Object participating in some Perdurant as the thing that is transferred.
heeft superklassen
Semantische rol c

Therapeutische interventiec
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#TherapeuticIntervention

Cure related extensions for TherapeuticInterventions can be placed here. For this version of the onz-g, we incorporated a limited number of cure related interventions that were identified for the current use case of Quality of Care in Dutch nursing homes. We refer to e.g. SnoMed for an extensive classification of TherapeuticInterventions.
Editorial: TherapeuticIntervention is any SocialInteractionEvent carried out with the intention to cure, alleviate or reduce (the symptoms of) some DiseaseOrSyndrome.
heeft superklassen
Menselijke interactie-gebeurtenis c
heeft subklassen
Medische fout c

Therapeutische substantiec
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#TherapeuticSubstance

In onz-g, we included a small set of therapeutic substances that are deemed important for the domain. For a structured set of (potential) subtypes to extend the hierarchy for TherapeuticSubstance, we refer to SnoMed and the NCIT: http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/SNOMEDCT/410942007 (Drug or Medicament) http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/xml/owl/EVS/Thesaurus.owl#C1909 ( Pharmacologic Substance)
Editorial: TherapeuticSubstance is a BiologicallyActiveSubstance that may have an effect in the treatment, stabilization or prevention of some PathologicalProcess in some Organism.
Examples are: antibiotic substance, quinine, acetylsalicylic acid, lithium, iodine, etc.
heeft superklassen
Biologisch-actieve substantie c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#HomeCareOrganization

Editorial: ThuiszorgOrganisatie is een ZorgOrganisatie die erop gericht is om zorg, verpleging en huishoudelijke ondersteuning te geven aan Personen die thuis wonen en die door ziekte, beperking of aandoening (tijdelijk) niet in staat zijn hier zelf in te voorzien.
heeft superklassen
Zorgorganisatie c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#SpatioTemporalParticular

Editorial: Instances of SpatioTemporalParticular are entities that exist in time and space.
heeft superklassen
Particular c
heeft subklassen
Eigenschap of kenmerk c, Endurant c, Perdurant c
is disjunct met
Abstracte entiteit c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#UnitOfDuration

Also see: onz-g:TemporalValue
Editorial: UnitOfDuration represents the standardized units of time such as 'minute' and 'hour'.
heeft superklassen
Niet-samengestelde meeteenheid c
heeft leden
Dag ni, Jaar ni, Maand ni, Minuut ni, Uur ni, Week ni

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#TemporalInstantValue

Instances of TemporalInstantValue express some time value with no duration and/or extent.
heeft superklassen
Duur- en tijdswaarde c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#IncreasingEvent

IncreasingEvent is the subclass of QuantityChangeEvent where the quantity of some Entity becomes more.
'toenemen', 'aanwas', 'stijgen', 'vermeerderen', 'vergroten', 'verdubbelen', 'uitbreiden', 'groei', etc.
Examples: 'the number of patients doubled last year', 'the index gained 20 points', 'the proliferation of nuclear energy', 'the farmaceutical industry has raised its prices for orphan drugs'
heeft superklassen
Verandering in hoeveelheid c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Toxin

Editorial: Toxin is a poisonous BiologicallyActiveSubstance that is produced within a Cell or Organism, or man-made as a synthetic analogue.
Examples are: botulinum toxin produced by the Bacterium Clostridium botulinum;  staphylococcal enteretoxin B that is produced by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus.
heeft superklassen
Biologisch-actieve substantie c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Trainee

Editorial: Trainee is de Rol van een Persoon die na het behalen van een opleidingskwalificatie in dienst is van een Organisatie en binnen of namens deze Organisatie werkzaamheden verricht en specifieke aanvullende beroeps- of functiegerichte trainingen volgt.
heeft superklassen
Werknemer c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Translocation

For body motions that are not focused primarily on changing location, we refer to X and its subclasses. Examples of body motions are: 'raise arm', 'bend knee', etc.
Editorial: Translocation is an EventivePerdurant where some PhysicalObject moves from one location to another location.
examples: 'arrival.n', 'depart.v', 'moving residence.v', 'evacuate.v', 'trespassing.v', 'falling.v', 'dropping an object.v', 'travel.n', 'dispersal.n', etc.
heeft superklassen
Eventieve perdurant c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#TransportationDevice

Editorial: Transportmiddel is een fysiek en mensgemaakt Middel dat wordt gebruikt om FysiekeObjecten zoals personen en goederen van een Locatie naar een andere Locatie te verplaatsen.
heeft superklassen
Fysiek hulpmiddel c

Uitvoering van arbeid tijdseenheidc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#UnitOfWorkload

A domain-specific example of a CompositeUnitOfMeasure is UnitOfWorkload with its instance 'FTE' or 'Full-time equivalent'. This is a unit of measure for workloads and can be defined as "the number of total hours worked divided by the maximum number of compensable hours in a full-time schedule as defined by law" (source:Wikipedia). Since the full-time schedule may vary within the Cure domain, this ontology provides additional units of measure to state that e.g. '0.8' is a data value of some QuantityValue and that it uses the CompositeUnitOfMeasure 'FTE' and the NonCompositeUnitOfMeasure '38 hours workweek'. Also see the notes for onz-g:UnitOfDuration.
Editorial: Instances of UnitOfWorkload are units for the amount of work over a given period.
heeft superklassen
Samengestelde meeteenheid c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#EmploymentAgency

Editorial: Uitzendbureau is een Bedrijf dat bemiddelt tussen Personen die (tijdelijk) werk zoeken en Bedrijven en Organisaties die Personen nodig hebben voor het uitvoeren van bepaalde werkzaamheden of een specifieke taak.
'uitzendbureau', 'uitzendorganisatie'
heeft superklassen
Bedrijf c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#TemporaryWorker

Editorial: Uitzendkracht is de rol van een Persoon die namens een Uitzendbureau arbeid verricht bij een Onderneming en daarbij onder toezicht en leiding van deze Onderneming staat.
heeft superklassen
Werker c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#UnitOfCurrency

Editorial: Instances of UnitOfCurrency are units for money in common use, especially for people in some nation.
heeft superklassen
Niet-samengestelde meeteenheid c
heeft leden
EUR ni, GBP ni, USD ni

Variabele groep of collectiec
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#VariableCollection

Examples: flock of sheep, military convoy, musical group, football team, a family.
Editorial: VariableCollection is a Collection that carries an intensional Identity criterion, meaning that the Identity of the Collection is not defined by its members. I.e.: members can move in our out of the Collection without changing the Identity of the Collection.
heeft superklassen
Groep of collectie c
heeft subklassen
Groep mensen c, Technisch systeem c

Vaste groep of collectiec
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#FixedCollection

Examples may include: twins, our solar system, an octave (music), an archipelago such as the Wadden Sea Islands.
Editorial: FixedCollection is a Collection that carries an extensional Identity criterion, meaning that the Identity of the Collection can only be defined by its members. I.e.: members can not move in our out of the Collection without changing the Identity.
heeft superklassen
Groep of collectie c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#SafetyBelt

Zie ook de uitleg bij de klasse onz-g:Bedrail.
heeft superklassen
Engineering component c

Verandering in hoeveelheidc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#QuantityChangeEvent

QuantityChangeEvent is the subclass of InternalChange where the quantity of some Entity changes.
'toename', 'afnemen', 'fluctueren', 'verhogen', 'verminderen', 'inkrimpen', 'uitbreiden', etc.
Examples: increase, decrease, fluctuate, plummet, diminish, rise, enlarge, going up and down.
heeft superklassen
Interne verandering c
heeft subklassen
Afnemen c, Toenemen c

Verandering in organisatiec
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#OrganizationalChangeEvent

For activities such as 'managing a company' we refer to onz-g:Process and its subclasses. Note that Processes do not have an inherent result that applies to all possible instances of some event concept, while OrganizationalChangeEvents do.
OrganizationalChangeEvent is a SocialInteractionEvent where the interactions between Persons and/or Organizations brings about some change in e.g. the operational process, the number of persons working for some Organization and/or the function of some member of the Organization .
Examples are: company mergers, hiring or firing a person, promoting or demoting an employee, going out of business.
heeft superklassen
Menselijke interactie-gebeurtenis c

Verandering van eigendom of bezit-gebeurtenisc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ChangeOfPossession

Editorial: ChangeOfPossession is the subclass of SocialInteractionEvent where some Entity changes of ownership between two Agents or where the usage of some Entity is temporarily transferred between Agents.
Examples are: give.v, take.v, lease.v, transaction.n, investment.n, buy.v, export.v, rent.v. loan.v, sell.v, etc.
heeft superklassen
Menselijke interactie-gebeurtenis c
heeft subklassen
Financiële transactie c, Geven c, Krijgen c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#AccomodativeObject

Editorial: AccomodativeObject is a StationaryArtifact that is functionally independent, serves as accommodation for human activities and can be part of one or multiple Buildings.
Examples: 'apartment', 'loft', etc.
heeft superklassen
Onverplaatsbaar artefact c

Vermogen tot uitvoeren van zelfzorgc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ActivitiesOfDailyLivingCapability

Note that we do not model any specific capabilities associated with activities of daily living in onz-g. Instead, we refer to existing domain-specific sources for these, such as e.g. SNOMED, the Barthel Index and the Dutch ZIB. -Specific actions such as 'eating' and 'taking a shower' in the ZIB can be considered as subtypes of onz-g:ActivitiesOfDailyLivingCapabilities. The specific functional scores for these activities can be modeled as onz-g:ActivitiesOfDailyLivingValue using the quality region pattern. -In SNOMED, a set of abilities related to daily living are best represented by 'Activity of daily living' that refers not to actions but the capability to perform these actions. See the mapping for the URI. -In SNOMED, a set of specific set of values are modeled as subclasses of 'Finding of functional performance and activity', and more specifically 'Finding of activity of daily living' e.g. 'able to feed self' and 'able to perform dressing activity'. These should be modeled as instances of onz-g:ActivitiesOfDailyLivingValue, NOT as subtypes of this class. -The Barthel Index is modeled as an instance of onz-g:MedicalClassificationSystem. see also: https://zibs.nl/wiki/BarthelIndex-v3.1(2022NL) and onz-g:ActivitiesOfDailyLivingValue.
Editorial: ActivitiesOfDailyLivingCapability is a BiologicalQuality that characterizes whether and/or to what degree some Human is capable to execute actions associated with self care and self sustenance such as 'taking medications' and 'brushing teeth'.
heeft superklassen
Organische eigenschap c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#DestructionEvent

For Organisms that are destroyed/die/die off as a whole, we refer to onz-g:DyingProcess.
Editorial: DestructionEvent is an InternalChange where some Agent or cause induces a situation where some Object (e.g. a house, some bodypart, an appliance) ceases to exist or is no longer functional.
'verwoesten', 'vernietiging', 'afsterven', 'destructie', 'uitroeien', 'slopen', 'stukmaken', etc.
Examples: 'the nursing home will be demolished', 'please destroy the needles after use', 'the procedure destroyed his bone marrow', 'this policy destroys everything we worked for' (metaphorical use), 'his foot is dying off'.
heeft superklassen
Interne verandering c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#NursingHomeOrganization

Editorial: VerpleeghuisOrganisatie is een ZorgOrganisatie die zich richt op het geclusterd verlenen van woonruimte en intensieve zorg en verpleging voor Personen die door ziekte of beperking (tijdelijk) niet in staat zijn zelfstandig te wonen.
heeft superklassen
Zorgorganisatie c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#NursingHomeCareService

Verpleeghuiszorg is de subklasse van LangdurigeZorg en omvat het geheel van services, zorgdiensten en verpleging die door een verpleeghuisorganisatie wordt geleverd aan een client die volgens de Wet langdurige Zorg (Wlz) gerechtigd en geindiceerd is om deze diensten te mogen ontvangen.
heeft superklassen
Langdurige zorg c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Nurse

Wikipedia: Nurse is the HealthcareProfessionRole of a Human who focuses on the care of individuals, families and communities so they may attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life.
heeft superklassen
Zorgprofessional c

Verwante of familielidc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Relative

The role Relative is broadly defined and is intended to capture all roles someone can carry in the context of what can be considered 'family' across different cultures.
Editorial: Relative is the Role of some Human and corresponds to the kinship someone carries in relation to some other Human, whether through common ancestry, marriage or adoption.
heeft superklassen
Relationele rol c
heeft subklassen
Broer of zus c, Kind van een ouder c, Ouder van een kind c, Partner c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#DocumentOfMedicalReferral

Editorial: Verwijsbrief is een fysiek of digitaal Document waarin een Zorgverlener een officieel verzoek doet aan een andere Zorgverlener om de zorg en/of behandeling van een Persoon over te nemen. Verwijsbrief bevat doorgaans ook een beschrijving van de medische situatie van een Persoon.
heeft superklassen
Fysiek certificaat c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#InjuringEvent

Note that we pose no formal restrictions on what or who injures who. As such, 'John injured himself', 'the cat injured me', 'John injured Mary' and 'his tight shoes injured him badly' are all considered instances of onz-g:Injuring. Note that some instances of onz-g:InjuringEvent may also be labeled additionally as a onz-g:SelfHarmEvent if applicable in some context. For the result of some InjuringEvent (an injury), we refer to onz-g:AbnormalOrganicMorphologyQuality and its subclasses.
Editorial: InjuringEvent is an InternalChange where some trauma or injury comes into existence in some OrganicObject, usually through some external cause or force.
'verwondingen oplopen', 'zich bezeren', 'een been/arm/heup breken', 'verwonden', 'blesseren', 'zich pijn doen (aan)', etc.
heeft superklassen
Beschadigen c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#InsuranceCompany

Editorial: Verzekeringsmaatschappij is een Bedrijf dat Verzekeringen verkoopt aan Personen en Organisaties.
'verzekeraar', 'verzekeringsmaatschappij', 'assurantiemaatschappij'.
heeft superklassen
Bedrijf c
heeft subklassen
Zorgverzekeringsmaatschappij c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#InsurancePolicy

Editorial: InsurancePolicy is a Certificate that states the terms and conditions of financial reimbursement by some InsuranceCompany after some Person or Organization experienced loss, damage, injury or death.
heeft superklassen
Fysiek certificaat c
heeft subklassen
Zorgverzekeringspolis c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#NursingAssitant

Voor de Nederlandse situatie: een Verzorgende valt, anders dan een Verpleegkundige, niet onder de Tuchtraad en kent geen registratie in het BIG-register.
Editorial: Verzorgende is de Rol van een Persoon die verpleegtechnische en verzorgende taken verricht voor een client of een groep clienten binnen een zorginstelling.
heeft superklassen
Zorgprofessional c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ResidentialCareHome

Editorial: VerzorgingshuisOrganisatie is een ZorgOrganisatie die zich richt op het geclusterd verlenen van woonruimte, zorg en begeleiding bij het uitvoeren van dagelijkse activiteiten voor Personen die door ziekte of handicap (tijdelijk) niet in staat zijn zelfstandig te wonen.
heeft superklassen
Zorgorganisatie c

Virtueel areaalc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#VirtualArea

VirtualAreas can be identified with a VirtualPlaceInformationObject, i.e. IP adresses, webpage addresses, etc.
Editorial: VirtualArea is an Area that simulates or is perceived by humans as an Area but exists only digitally.
heeft superklassen
Gebied of oppervlak c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#VirtualPlaceInformationObject

Editorial: VirtualPlaceInformationObject is a LocalizablePlaceInformationObject that is used to identify some virtual place by means of some identifier, i.e. a homepage, an e-mail address, etc.
Examples are: an URI, an URL, a homepage address, an email address, etc.
heeft superklassen
Plaats- of locatieidentifier c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Virus

There is an ongoing debate whether Virus should be considered an Organism or not. Here, we made the pragmatic decision to model Virus as an Organism based on their ability to reproduce.
sumo: Virus is "an Organism consisting of a core of a single nucleic acid enclosed in a protective coat of protein. A virus may replicate only inside a host living cell. A virus exhibits some but not all of the usual characteristics of living things."
heeft superklassen
Organisme c

Visuele informatie-dragend objectc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#VisualContentBearingObject

Editorial: VisualContentBearingObject is a ContentBearingObject that is intended to convey meaning as the result visual interpretation.
heeft superklassen
Informatiedragend artefact c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Vitamin

Editorial: Vitamin is a Nutrient that is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the metabolism of some Animal.
heeft superklassen
Voedingsstof c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Nutrient

Note that all Organisms require some form of Nutrient, though the kind of required and synthesizable nutrient can be specific for some biologic kingdom e.g. Plants versus Animals.
Editorial: Nutrient is a BiologicallyActiveSubstance that is necessary for providing energy and maintaining the normal biologic functioning of some Organism.
heeft superklassen
Biologisch-actieve substantie c
heeft subklassen
Eiwit c, Koolhydraat c, Vitamine c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#FoodRole

We consider Food to be a Role of some PhysicalObjects as no instance is necessarily and intrinsically Food. What can be considered Food is culturally dependent; typical examples are 'insects', 'dog meat' and 'whale meat'.
Editorial: FoodRole is a role played by some PhysicalObjects that contain nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and that that can be ingested by some Human and metabolized into energy and body tissue.
Voorbeelden: 'voedsel', 'voeding', 'voedingsmiddelen', etc.
heeft superklassen
Abstracte rol c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#VolumeQuality

Editorial: VolumeQuality is a QuantitativeMeasurementQuality that characterizes the three dimensional space of some PhysicalEndurant, or in other words: the quality of containing a certain volume (of something).
Examples: "there is 100 liter water in this barrel", "the syringe contains 10ml insuline", etc.
heeft superklassen
Kwantitatief-meetbare eigenschap c

Vriend of vriendinc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Friend

Editorial: Friend is the Role of some Human and corresponds to the connection someone has to another Human where both share some mutual care and concern and some common interests.
heeft superklassen
Relationele rol c

Vrijheidsbeperkende gebeurtenisc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#FreedomRestrictionEvent

Note that onz-g also has a class for instantiating Objects and Substances that as a secondary function have a freedom restrictive function. See: onz-g:FreedomRestrictionRole. For Objects that restrict the freedom of some PatientInCare as their primary function, see: onz-g:PhysicalRestraintDevice.
Editorial: FreedomRestrictionEvent is a SocialInteractionEvent that is carried out by some Caregiver in order to restrict the freedom of some PersonInCare with the intention to protect this Person and/or others for injuries and damage to personal health.
'uitvoeren/toepassen van een vrijheidsbeperkende maatregel', 'vrijheidsbeperkende interventie', 'onvrijwillige zorg', 'verplichte zorg'.
heeft superklassen
Menselijke interactie-gebeurtenis c

Vrijheidsbeperkende rol of functiec
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#FreedomRestrictionRole

Examples of PhysicalObjects and Substances that may have a secondary role or function as restricting freedom of some PatientInCare are onz-g:Bedrail, onz-g:WheelchairTable and onz-g:SafetyBelt. Note that onz-g also includes classes for medical substances that may be applied in this role. For this, we refer to onz-g:TherapeuticSubstance and its subclasses.
Editorial: FreedomRestrictionRole is the role assigned to some PhysicalObject or Substance that as a secundary function may be used to intentionally restrict the freedom of some Person in order to protect this Person and/or others for injuries and damage to personal health.
heeft superklassen
Abstracte rol c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Volunteer

Editorial: Volunteer is the Role of some Human who freely offers to undertake a task or works for some organization without financial compensation for this labour.
heeft superklassen
Werker c
heeft subklassen
Mantelzorger c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Woman

heeft superklassen
Mens c

Vrouwelijk geslachtc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#FemaleSex

FemaleSex is a Quality that inheres in Organisms and expresses the female biological sex of some Organism.
heeft superklassen
Geslacht c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#QualityValue

Say we want to state that some person weighs 54 kilo. There are basically two options to model this: directly with a data property or via reification of the quality value. In the case of a data property, we would say someting like : DataPropertyDomain (onz-g:hasWeight onz-g:Person) DataPropertyRange (onz-g:hasWeight xsd:integer) The use of the 'hasWeight' dataproperty has now been restricted by defining a specific domain and range. However, the meaning of the hasWeight property may vary within and across domains while the specific values may also be expressed in other data types. This approach hampers a.) interoperabilty across different models and b.) the annotation of heterogeneous data. With reification via QualityValues, we make the shared conceptualization of Weight explicit. With this, we can say that Person has quality Weight and that Weight has a MassValue. The data value of this MassValue is '54'. Also, the ontology provides units of measure that allow to define that '54' uses 'kilo' as unit of measure. If another person has the same MassValue of 54 but measured in 'stone', we know that we are still talking about a MassValue but the difference in UnitOfMeasure indicates that the two '54' data values point at a different weight. All subclasses of QualityValue and Quality will adhere to this pattern.
Editorial: Instances of QualityValue are the reified values of some quality that itself inheres in some SpatioTemporalParticular.
heeft superklassen
Abstracte entiteit c
heeft subklassen
Abstracte waarde c, Concrete waarde c, Duur- en tijdswaarde c
is disjunct met
Meeteenheid c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#WaitingList

Editorial: Wachtlijst is een InformatieObject waarin, volgens bepaalde ordeningsprincipes, de namen van Personen zijn opgenomen die wachten op het ontvangen van een dienst of bepaalde goederen.
heeft superklassen
Lijst c
heeft leden
Wachtlijst WLZ ni

Weg of straatc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Roadway

sumo: Roadway is the subclass of LandTransitArea "that are areas intended for surface travel by self-powered, wheeled vehicles, excluding those that travel on tracks. Roadways have been at least minimally improved to enable the passage of vehicles. Roadways include dirt and gravelled roads, paved streets, and expressways."
'weg', 'straat', 'pad', etc.
heeft superklassen
Landtransit-areaal c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#LabouringProcess

Editorial: LabouringProcess is a SocialInteractionProcess where some Person executes tasks in the context of being employed by some Employer.
voorbeelden: '(ergens) werken', 'arbeid verrichten', 'aan het werk zijn', etc.
heeft superklassen
Menselijke interactie (proces) c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Worker

Worker represents the most neutral concept for anyone who carries out some task, irrespective of labour laws and the existence of e.g. an employment contract.
Editorial: Worker identifies the role of some Human that carries out some task, either acting under orders of someone else and with some financial compensation or out of one's own free will and without any compensation.
heeft superklassen
Relationele rol c
heeft subklassen
Freelancer c, Gedetacheerde c, Stagiair c, Uitzendkracht c, Vrijwilliger c, Werknemer c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Employer

Editorial: Wergver is de Rol van een Persoon of een Organisatie die werk verschaft aan een Persoon en daarvoor financiele compensatie geeft waarbij de onderlinge rechten en plichten zijn vastgelegd in een Arbeidscontract.
heeft superklassen
Relationele rol c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Employee

Editorial: Werknemer is de Rol van een Persoon die arbeid verricht voor een ander Persoon of Organisatie in ruil voor een financiële compensatie en waarbij de onderlinge afspraken, rechten en plichten zijn vastgelegd in een Arbeidscontract.
heeft superklassen
Werker c
heeft subklassen
Leerling-werknemer c, Oproepkracht c, Trainee c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#EmployeeIdentifier

Editorial: EmployeeIdentifier is an IdentifierInformationObject that is used to identify some Employee within some situation or context.
heeft superklassen
Identifier-informatieobject c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#WorkPeriod

Note that the denotation of this class is impartial to whether or not someone was actually present at work or carried out tasks.
Editorial: WorkPeriod is the subclass of ProperPeriod that captures all proper time intervals associated with being in employment and/or carrying out tasks.
Voorbeelden zijn: 'arbeidsjaren', 'stageperiode', 'gewerkte periode', 'contractjaar', 'ambtsperiode', 'inwerkperiode', 'inhaaldag', etc.
heeft superklassen
Periode c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Law

Editorial: A law is an InformationObject imposed by some authority that sets forth a rule governing some particular activity and that can be enforced with penalties for noncompliance.
Voorbeeld: de 'Wet Langdurige Zorg'.
heeft superklassen
Maatschappelijk informatieobject c
heeft subklassen
Gezondheidszorgwet c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#AdvanceHealthcareDirective

Editorial: Een Wilsverklaring is een beschrijving van de wensen van een Persoon omtrent hoe er medisch gehandeld moet worden wanneer deze Persoon niet langer zelfstandig beslissingen kan nemen vanwege wilsonbekwaamheid veroorzaakt door een ziekte of een aandoening.
heeft superklassen
Fysiek certificaat c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Wound

Wound is the subclass of Lesion where some damage exists in the form of e.g. a rupture, cut, puncture and/or contusion in the skin of some Animal, usually as a result of a sudden Impacting.
Voorbeelden: 'snee', 'schaafwond', 'brandwond', 'scherpe verwonding', 'stompe verwonding', etc.
heeft superklassen
Laesie c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Hospital

For specific types of Hospitals, we refer to the list of Hospitals provided in SnoMed. See the mapping provided to this term in SNOMED.
Editorial: ZiekenhuisOrganisatie is een ZorgOrganisatie die gespecialiseerde zorg en behandeling verleent aan Personen.
heeft superklassen
Zorgorganisatie c

Ziekte of syndroomc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#DiseaseOrSyndrome

Note that specific types of diseases and conditions such as 'malaria', 'HIV', 'Marburg disease', 'SARS', etcetera are NOT subclasses of DiseaseOrSyndrome but instances of this class! This class can be further extended for different diseases (e.g. bacterial/viral), disabilities, and syndromes. Alternatively, one may opt to reuse the Disease Ontology (https://disease-ontology.org/). This ontology also contains cross-references to e.g. SNOMED for interoperability. The top node of the Disease Ontology aligns with onz-g:DiseaseOrSyndrome. The Disease Ontology is available as open source here: https://github.com/DiseaseOntology/HumanDiseaseOntology/tree/main/src/ontology
DiseaseOrSyndrome is a BiologicalQuality which (sumo) "qualifies something that alters or interferes with a normal process, state or activity of an Organism. It is usually characterized by the abnormal functioning of one or more of that Organisms systems, parts, or organs."
heeft superklassen
Organische eigenschap c
heeft subklassen
disability c
heeft leden
Decubitus ni, korsakoff ni

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Mammal

sumo: Mammal is an Organism "having a constant body temperature and characterized by the presence of hair, mammary glands, and sweat glands."
heeft superklassen
Dier c
heeft subklassen
Mens c

Zorg-administratief informatieobjectc
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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#CareAdministrativeInformationObject

Note that subclasses of this class may not by definition represent concepts but also administrative constructs that are merely needed to label administrative data.
CareAdministrativeInformationObject is an AdministrativeInformationObject that expresses (uniformized) conceptions as they function specifically and exclusively in the administrative realm for the care domain.
Specifiek Nederlandse voorbeelden zijn: 'grondslag zorg', 'leveringsvorm', etc.
heeft superklassen
Administratief informatieobject c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#CureAndCareService

CureAndCareProcess is the subclass of ServiceProcess and denotes all services, actions and processes associated with Cure and Care.
heeft superklassen
Service- Of Dienstverlening c
heeft subklassen
Geboortezorg c, Langdurige zorg c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#HealthcareOffice

Editorial: Zorgkantoor is een ServiceOrganisatie die in Nederland anno 2020 de Wet Langdurige Zorg uitvoert door contracten af te sluiten met een ZorgOrganisatie die een bepaald soort zorg en van een zekere duur gaat leveren aan een persoon die daar recht op heeft na een evaluatie en besluit van een andere ServiceOrganisatie, i.c. het Centrum Indicatiestelling Zorg.
heeft superklassen
Pubieke dienst-organisatie c

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IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#CareOrganization

Note that this class and all its subclasses inherit from onz-g:Organization and onz-g:Collection. For the building(s) in which some Organization can reside and that may be associated with an address, we refer to onz-g:AccomodativeObject. As an example: 1.) a Hospital can be on fire in which case one refers to onz-g:AccomodativeObject/onz-g:StationaryArtifact, and; 2.) a Hospital may go bankrupt in which case one refers to onz-g:Hospital/onz-g:Organization.
Editorial: ZorgOrganisatie is een Organisatie die als primair doel heeft om een vorm van zorg en/of ondersteuning te verlenen aan Personen.
heeft superklassen
Bedrijf c
heeft subklassen
Hospice c, Revalidatiecentrum c, Thuiszorgorganisatie c, Verpleeghuisorganisatie c, Verzorgingshuisorganisatie c, Ziekenhuisorganisatie c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#HealthcareProfessionRole

Editorial: HealthcareProfessionRole is the Role of a Human who has had some form of professional training or a specific education and has the credentials to carry out a set of skilled tasks related to human Healthcare.
heeft superklassen
Beroeps- of ambachtsrol c
heeft subklassen
Apotheker c, Arts c, Diëtist c, Fysiotherapeut c, Helpende c, Mondhygiënist c, Tandarts c, Verpleegkundige c, Verzorgende c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Caregiver

Editorial: Zorgverlener is de Rol van een Persoon (of Organisatie) die een vorm van verzorging en/of medische zorg verleent aan patienten of clienten.
heeft superklassen
Sociale rol c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#HealthcareInsuranceCompany

Editorial: Zorgverzekeringsmaatschappij is een Bedrijf dat zorgverzekeringen verkoopt aan Personen.
zorgverzekeraar, zorgverzekeringsmaatschappij, 'met de zorgverzekering bellen over een declaratie', etc.
heeft superklassen
Verzekeringsmaatschappij c

terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#HealthcareInsurancePolicy

Editorial: Ziektekostenverzekeringspolis is een Verzekeringspolis waarin de voorwaarden staan opgesteld waarin een Zorgverzekeraar overgaat tot het uitbetalen voor de kosten van medisch advies, behandelingen, medicijnen, het gebruik van hulpmiddelen of andere voorzieningen op grond van een medische noodzaak.
heeft superklassen
Verzekeringspolis c

Zweedse bandc
terug naar Index of Index van klassen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#LimbAndTorsoRestraint

Editorial: ZweedseBand is een MobiliteitsBeperkendMiddel waarbij een Persoon door een band om de torso en een of meerdere ledematen wordt gefixeerd aan een bed of stoel.
heeft superklassen
Mobiliteitsbeperkend middel c


bestuurd doorop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#governedBy

heeft supereigenschappen
is operatieregio van op
is invers van
bestuurt op

terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#governs

GovernmentOrganization - governs - GeopoliticalArea
heeft supereigenschappen
opereert in regio op
is invers van
bestuurd door op

terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#contains

This object property is for modeling that some CorpuscularObject is contained by some other CorpuscularObject, e.g. 'the dispenser contains diapers'; 'the bottle contains milk'. Inverse property: isContainedBy (the milk is contained by the bottle', 'the diapers are contained by a dispenser'). Note that this property should only be used when the CorpuscularObject that is contained is NOT an intrinsic/functional part or otherwise attached to the other Corpuscular. In that case, we refer to hasPart and the hasMember properties. "This hotel has three rooms" (hasPart); "The board has three members" (hasMember); "The airplace *can* transport 40 tonnes cargo (hasCapacityQuality); "The airplane contains 23 tonnes cargo (contains).
heeft supereigenschappen
is objectlocatie van op
is invers van
wordt omvat door op

deel vanop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#partOf

heeft kenmerken: transitief

heeft supereigenschappen
inverse object property op
is invers van
heeft deel op

terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#defines

This object property is for modeling the relation between some InformationObject that defines some Particular, for example: RequiredcareAgreement (Zorgprofiel) defines LongTermCareService / LongTermCareService is definedBy Zorgprofiel.
heeft supereigenschappen
gaat over op
heeft subeigenschappen
definieert formeel op
heeft domein
Abstract informatieobject c
heeft bereik
Particular c
is invers van
gedefinieerd door op

definieert formeelop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#formallyDefines

This object property is for modeling the relation between some SocialInformationObject such as a Law or official Agreement that formally defines some Particular. For example: 'Wet Langdurige Zorg' (a specific healthcare law in the Netherlands) formallyDefines LongTermCareService / LongTermCareService isFormallyDefinedBy 'Wet Langdurige Zorg'.
heeft supereigenschappen
definieert op
heeft domein
Abstract informatieobject c
heeft bereik
Particular c
is invers van
formeel gedefinieerd door op

terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#bears

This object property is for modeling the relation between some ContentBearingObject and the InformationObject that it bears, e.g. 'a newspaper' bears some 'news' (inverse: 'information' bornyBy 'news').
is invers van
gedragen door op

draagt rolop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#playsRole

This object property is for modeling the relation between some Endurant en a Role, for example 'Human playsRole Nurse ' (inverse: Nurse isRolePlayedBy Human). Note that roles can play roles themselves.
is invers van
is rol gedragen door op

formeel gedefinieerd doorop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#formallyDefinedBy

This object property is for modeling the relation between some Particular that is formally defined by some SocialInformationObject such as a Law or official Agreement. For example: 'Wet Langdurige Zorg' (a specific healthcare law in the Netherlands) formallyDefines LongTermCareService / LongTermCareService isFormallyDefinedBy 'Wet Langdurige Zorg'.
heeft supereigenschappen
gedefinieerd door op
heeft domein
Particular c
heeft bereik
Abstract informatieobject c
is invers van
definieert formeel op

gaat overop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#isAbout

This object property is for modeling the relation between some InformationObject and the Endurant it is about, where the Endurant serves as a 'topic'. Example: 'EmploymentContract isAbout 'OccupationalPositionRole' ('OccupationalPositionRole' isAboutnessOf EmploymentContract). Note that any class can serve as 'topic'. Hence, duplicating classes for modeling 'topics' is not advised in order to minimize redundancy.
heeft subeigenschappen
definieert op
heeft domein
Abstract informatieobject c
heeft bereik
Particular c
is invers van
is onderwerp van op

gedefinieerd doorop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#definedBy

This object property is for modeling the relation between some InformationObject that is defined by some Particular. Example: 'RequiredcareAgreement (Zorgprofiel) defines LongTermCareService' / 'LongTermCareService is definedBy Zorgprofiel'.
heeft supereigenschappen
is onderwerp van op
heeft subeigenschappen
formeel gedefinieerd door op
heeft domein
Particular c
heeft bereik
Abstract informatieobject c
is invers van
definieert op

gedragen doorop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#borneBy

This object property is for modeling the relation between some InformationObject and some ContentBearingObject, e.g. 'news' borneBy 'newspaper' (inverse: 'newspaper' bears 'news').
heeft supereigenschappen
inverse object property op
is invers van
draagt op

geïdentificeerd doorop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#identifiedBy

This object property is for modeling the relation between some Particular that is identified by some IdentifierInformationObject For example: EmployeeIdentifier identifies Employee / Address identifies LocalizableArea. and the inverse: Employee identifiedBy EmployeeIdentifier / LocalizableAre identifiedBy Address.
heeft supereigenschappen
inverse object property op
is invers van
identificeert op

heeft capaciteitsobjectop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasCapacityObject

This object property is for modeling the relation between some CapacityQualityValue and the PhysicalObject that is contained by some other PhysicalObject with reification via a quality region pattern. Note that this property should only be used when the PhysicalObject that is contained is NOT an intrinsic/functional part or otherwise attached to the other PhysicalObject. In that case, we refer to hasPart and the hasMember properties: "This hotel has three rooms" (hasPart); "The board has three members" (hasMember); We refer to the pattern library for a visualization of the capacity patterns.
is invers van
is capaciteitsobject van op

heeft deelop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasPart

This object property is for modeling that some Particular can have some other Particular as its part, e.g. 'car hasPart engine' or 'making incision partOf heart surgery'. Note that this is a transitive property, meaning that if B is part of Aand C is part of B then C is part of A as well. Also, some classes can have a partOf relation to itself, e.g. Organization hasPart Organization for defining that any suborganization or division of some Organization is also an Organization. Note however that this property does not imply that the parts of some entity need to be uniform or homogenous. For 'parts' that are homogenous or uniform, we refer to the object property hasMember.

heeft kenmerken: transitief

is invers van
deel van op

heeft eigenschap of kenmerkop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasQuality

This object property is for modeling the relation between a SpatioTemporalParticular and the Quality it can have, for example 'Organism hasQuality BodyMass' (inverse: BodyMass inheresIn Organism).
is invers van
is eigenschap of kenmerk van op

heeft eigenschapswaardeop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasQualityValue

This object property is for modeling the QualityValue associated with some Quality and is part of the quality region pattern. See also QualityValue for some explanation and examples.
is invers van
is eigenschapswaarde van op

heeft generieke locatieop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasGenericLocation

For future modeling purposes only.

heeft lidop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasMember

This object property is for modeling the membership relation between Collections and Endurants, e.g. 'flock hasMember sheep', 'convoy hasMember trucks'. Note that this property is basically a specific type of part-of relation where the 'parts' that make up the collection are more or less uniform. This is different from the classical part-of relation where the parts can be different in relation to eachother and where the exclusion of some part can affect the functionality or wholeness of the whole, e.g. car hasPart engine/wheel/exhaust. In other words: a collection can lose a member while still being a collection while some CorpuscularObject can not lose parts without some implications for the functionality or existence of the whole.
is invers van
is lid van op

heeft lokaliseerbaar gebiedop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasLocalizableArea

This object property is for modeling that some StationaryArtifact can be located on some LocalizableArea, e.g. 'this building is on some area (that is identified with an address)'. Or: AccomodativeObject hasLocalizableArea some LocalizableArea; LocalizableArea definedBy some LocalizablePlaceInformationObject (such as an Address). (no inverse property defined)
heeft supereigenschappen
heeft generieke locatie op

heeft meeteenheidop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasUnitOfMeasure

is invers van
is meeteenheid van op

heeft objectlocatieop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasObjectLocation

This object property is for modeling that CorpuscularObjects can be located in/on/at some other CorpuscularObject, e.g. 'the book is on the table'. For modeling that e.g. some CorpuscularObject is located at some area/place/location (e.g. 'the package is in Amsterdam', 'the camp site is at Latitude: 46.3890764. Longitude: 13.746901.'), we refer to the generic quality region pattern involving the classes: SpatialQuality and SpatialValue.
heeft supereigenschappen
heeft generieke locatie op
heeft subeigenschappen
wordt omvat door op
is invers van
is objectlocatie van op

heeft onderwerp van bijeenkomstop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasMeetingTopic

heeft domein
Bijeenkomst c
is invers van
is bijeenkomstonderwerp van op

heeft participantop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasParticipant

This object property is for modeling the participation relation of some Endurant in some Perdurant, e.g. 'erosion hasParticipant wind', 'apply bandage hasParticipant nurse'. Note that there are no formal exclusions on what/who can participate in some Perdurant, meaning that the 'participant' does not need to be agentive or cognitive unless defined specifically so in some class restriction.
heeft subeigenschappen
heeft semantische rol participant op
is invers van
is participant in op

heeft perdurantlocatieop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasPerdurantLocation

This object property is for modeling that some Perdurants generically take place in/on some CorpuscularObject, e.g. 'operations take place in some operating theatre, 'some specific care processes take place in a nursing home'. For modeling that e.g. some specific Perdurant takes place at some area/place/location (e.g. 'the meeting is in Diemen', 'his operation took place in the Amsterdam Medical Centre'), we refer to the generic quality region pattern involving the classes: SpatialQuality and SpatialValue and their subclasses.
heeft supereigenschappen
heeft generieke locatie op
is invers van
is perdurant locatie van op

heeft semantische rol participantop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasCaseRoleParticipant

This object property is for modeling the semantic role participation relation of some CaseRole in some Perdurant. For example, if some nurse applies a bandage on a soldier, then the nurse, the bandage and the soldier are all three participantIn some 'applying'. By means of the hasCaseRoleParticipant property, we can further define the specific semantic roles of each participant in this event, e.g. the nurse will have an AgentCaseRole (doing something), the soldier will have the PatientCaseRole (undorgoing something) while the bandage will have the InstrumentCaseRole (used as instrument in the event. Also see the class CaseRole and its subclasses for more information and examples.
heeft supereigenschappen
heeft participant op
is invers van
is semantische rol participant in op

heeft vastgesteld waarderesultaatop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasAssessmentValueResult

This object property is for modeling the relation between some AssessmentEvent and some QualityValue that is acquired as a result of this AssessmentEvent. Note that the 'thing' that is assessed is usually some Quality of some Entity, e.g. the 'length' of a human or the 'profitability' of some company. Example: '14' is a LengthValue with 'centimeter' as its UnitOfMeasurement '14' is the isAssessmentValueResultOf some MeasurementEvent that took place at hasTime '2021'. (some MeasurementEvent hasAssessmentValueResult e.g. '14' (a LengthValue and with 'centimeter' as UnitOfMeasurement).

heeft verblijf inop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#residesIn

This object property is for modeling the relation between some Organization and/or Organism that typically resides/lives in some StationaryArtifact, e.g. 'HospitalOrganization residesIn HospitalBuilding', 'rabbit residesIn burrow'. Note that this property does not imply that at any given point in time the Organism or Organization is actually at/in this StationaryArtifact making it substantially different from e.g. SpatialQualities. Also note that StationaryArtifact themselves extend in space and have a location in relation to something else. Therefore: some NursingHomeOrganization residesIn some NursingHomeBuilding and this NursingHomeBuilding has a SpatialQuality/SpatialValue.
is invers van
is verblijf van op

terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasOccupancyObject

This object property is for modeling the relation between some OccupancyQualityValue and the Organism that occupies some StationaryArtifact with reification via a quality region pattern.

terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#identifies

This object property is for modeling the relation between some IdentifierInformationObject and the Particular that it identifies. For example: EmployeeIdentifier identifies Employee / Address identifies LocalizableArea. Inverse: identifiedBy.
is invers van
geïdentificeerd door op

is bijeenkomstonderwerp vanop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#isMeetingTopicOf

heeft supereigenschappen
inverse object property op
is invers van
heeft onderwerp van bijeenkomst op

is capaciteitsobject vanop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#isCapacityObjectOf

This the inverse object property of 'hasCapacityObject' that is for modeling the relation between some CapacityQualityValue and the PhysicalObject that is contained by some other PhysicalObject with reification via a quality region pattern. Note that this property should only be used when the PhysicalObject that is contained is NOT an intrinsic/functional part or otherwise attached to the other PhysicalObject. In that case, we refer to hasPart and the hasMember properties. "This hotel has three rooms" (hasPart); "The board has three members" (hasMember); "The airplane has four engines (hasPart) and can transport 40 tonnes cargo (CapacityQuality and hasCapacityValue). See the pattern library for a visualization.
heeft supereigenschappen
inverse object property op
is invers van
heeft capaciteitsobject op

is eigenschap of kenmerk vanop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#inheresIn

This object property is for modeling the relation between a Quality that inheres in ('is carried by') some SpatioTemporalParticular. Example 'Organism hasQuality BodyMass' and the inverse: 'BodyMass inheresIn Organism'.
heeft supereigenschappen
inverse object property op
is invers van
heeft eigenschap of kenmerk op

is eigenschapswaarde vanop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#isQualityValueOf

heeft supereigenschappen
inverse object property op
is invers van
heeft eigenschapswaarde op

is generieke locatie vanop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#isGenericLocationOf

For future modeling purposes only; please do not use or instantiate.
heeft supereigenschappen
inverse object property op
heeft subeigenschappen
is objectlocatie van op, is perdurant locatie van op
is invers van
heeft generieke locatie op

is lid vanop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#isMemberOf

heeft supereigenschappen
inverse object property op
is invers van
heeft lid op

is meeteenheid vanop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#isUnitOfMeasureOf

heeft supereigenschappen
inverse object property op
is invers van
heeft meeteenheid op

is objectlocatie vanop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#isObjectLocationOf

This object property is for modeling that CorpuscularObjects are the location of some other CorpuscularObject, e.g. 'the table is the object location of the book. For modeling that e.g. some area/place/location (e.g. 'the package is in Amsterdam', 'the camp site is at Latitude: 46.3890764. Longitude: 13.746901.') is the location of some CorpuscularObject, we refer to the generic quality region pattern involving the classes: SpatialQuality and SpatialValue.
heeft supereigenschappen
is generieke locatie van op
heeft subeigenschappen
bevat op
is invers van
heeft objectlocatie op

is onderwerp vanop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#isAboutnessOf

This object property is for modeling the relation between some Endurant that is the 'topic' of some InformationObject. Example: 'EmploymentContract isAbout 'OccupationalPositionRole' ('OccupationalPositionRole' isAboutnessOf EmploymentContract) Note that any class can serve as 'topic'. Hence, duplicating classes for modeling 'topics' is not advised in order to minimize redundancy in the ontology.
heeft supereigenschappen
inverse object property op
heeft subeigenschappen
gedefinieerd door op
heeft domein
Particular c
heeft bereik
Abstract informatieobject c
is invers van
gaat over op

is operatieregio vanop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#isOperatingRangeOf

heeft supereigenschappen
inverse object property op
heeft subeigenschappen
bestuurd door op
is invers van
opereert in regio op

is participant inop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#isParticipantIn

heeft supereigenschappen
inverse object property op
heeft subeigenschappen
is semantische rol participant in op
is invers van
heeft participant op

is perdurant locatie vanop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#isPerdurantLocationOf

heeft supereigenschappen
is generieke locatie van op
is invers van
heeft perdurantlocatie op

is rol gedragen doorop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#isRolePlayedBy

heeft supereigenschappen
inverse object property op
is invers van
draagt rol op

is semantische rol participant inop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#isCaseRoleParticipantIn

heeft supereigenschappen
is participant in op
is invers van
heeft semantische rol participant op

is vastgesteld waarderesultaat vanop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#isAssessmentValueResultOf

This object property is for modeling the relation between some QualityValue that is acquired as a result of some AssessmentEvent. Note that the 'thing' that is assessed is usually some Quality of some Entity, e.g. the 'length' of a human or the 'profitability' of some company. Example: '14' is a LengthValue with 'centimeter' as its UnitOfMeasurement '14' is the isAssessmentValueResultOf some MeasurementEvent that took place at hasTime '2021'.
heeft supereigenschappen
inverse object property op
is invers van
heeft vastgesteld waarderesultaat op

is verblijf vanop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#isResidenceOf

heeft supereigenschappen
inverse object property op
is invers van
heeft verblijf in op

opereert in regioop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasOperatingRange

This object property is for modeling that some Organizations operate (e.g. execute commercial and or administrative actions) in some Area. Example: 'HEMA' hasOperatingRange 'Benelux' 'Zorgkantoor' hasOperatingRange 'Zorgkantoorregio'
heeft subeigenschappen
bestuurt op
is invers van
is operatieregio van op

stelt vastop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#assesses

This object property is for modeling the relation between some AssessmentEvent and the Quality of some Entity that is assessed, e.g. the 'length' of a human or the 'profitability' of some company. Example: 'measuring' (AssessmentEvent) assesses 'length' (Quality) of some umbellical cord/human/mattress (Objects).
is invers van
vastgesteld tijdens op

vastgesteld tijdensop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#assessedIn

This object property is for modeling the relation between some Quality of some Entity that is assessed in some AssessmentEvent, e.g. the 'length' of a human or the 'profitability' of some company.
heeft supereigenschappen
inverse object property op
is invers van
stelt vast op

wordt omvat doorop
terug naar Index of Index objecteigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#isContainedBy

This object property is for modeling that some CorpuscularObject is contained by some other CorpuscularObject, e.g. 'the milk is contained by the bottle', 'the diapers are contained by a dispenser', etc. Inverse property: contains (dispenser contains diapers; bottle contains milk). Note that this property should only be used when the CorpuscularObject that is contained by some other CorpuscularObject is NOT an intrinsic/functional part or otherwise attached to the other Corpuscular. In that case, we refer to hasPart and the hasMember properties. "This hotel has three rooms" (hasPart); "The board has three members" (hasMember); "The airplace *can* transport 40 tonnes cargo (hasCapacityQuality); "The airplane contains 23 tonnes cargo (contains). "23 tonnes cargo is contained by that airplance (isContainedBy).
heeft supereigenschappen
heeft objectlocatie op
is invers van
bevat op


terug naar Index of Index data-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#eindDatum

heeft supereigenschappen
heeft datum dp
heeft subeigenschappen
heeft sterfdatum dp

heeft datawaardedp
terug naar Index of Index data-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasDataValue

heeft datumdp
terug naar Index of Index data-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasDate

heeft supereigenschappen
heeft tijdwaarde dp
heeft subeigenschappen
einddatum dp, startdatum dp

heeft geboortedatumdp
terug naar Index of Index data-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasDateOfBirth

heeft kenmerken: functioneel

heeft supereigenschappen
startdatum dp

heeft sterfdatumdp
terug naar Index of Index data-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasDateOfDeath

heeft kenmerken: functioneel

heeft supereigenschappen
einddatum dp

heeft tijdsduurdp
terug naar Index of Index data-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasDuration

heeft supereigenschappen
heeft tijdwaarde dp

heeft tijdwaardedp
terug naar Index of Index data-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasTime

Generieke dataproperty, lokaal te gebruiken met een xsd restrictie.
heeft subeigenschappen
heeft datum dp, heeft tijdsduur dp, heeftBeginTijd dp, heeftEindTijd dp

terug naar Index of Index data-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasBeginTimeStamp

Is vervallen
heeft supereigenschappen
heeft tijdwaarde dp

terug naar Index of Index data-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasEndTimeStamp

Is vervallen
heeft supereigenschappen
heeft tijdwaarde dp

terug naar Index of Index data-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#startDatum

heeft supereigenschappen
heeft datum dp
heeft subeigenschappen
heeft geboortedatum dp


accrual periodicityap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/accrualPeriodicity

accrual policyap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/accrualPolicy

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: https://w3id.org/mod#acronym

alt labelap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#altLabel

broad matchap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#broadMatch

browsing u iap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: https://w3id.org/mod#browsingUI

bug databaseap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#bug-database

byte sizeap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: https://w3id.org/mod#byteSize

change noteap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#changeNote

close matchap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#closeMatch

competency questionap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: https://w3id.org/mod#competencyQuestion

contact helpdeskap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#contactHelpdesk

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/contributor

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/created

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#definition

definition propertyap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: https://w3id.org/mod#definitionProperty

definition sourceap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#definitionSource

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/depiction

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description

editorial noteap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#editorialNote

This annotation property is used for any remarks, questions and considerations that are primarily intended for the ontology modelers and do not need to be included in the publication of the ontology. Editor Notes may include for example 'to do's', initial axiomatizations and things to check with domain experts.

exact matchap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#exactMatch

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#example

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: https://w3id.org/mod#generalizes

has approximate z i b labelap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasApproximateZIBLabel

This annotation property is used to define an association to a so called ZIB entity as defined in https://zibs.nl/wiki/Hoofdpagina. (By absence of stable URIs in this resource, we do not use SKOS mapping properties for now).
Is vervallen

has lexical expressionsap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#hasLexicalExpressions

This annotation property is used to associate a concept in the ontology with a set of lexical expressions or words in a Natural language such as Dutch. This annotation property is intended to accommodate access to the ontology for non-experts by look-ups of words and terms instead of class and property labels. For example: if one searches for the Dutch term 'uitgiftefout', the class onz-g:ErroneousDispenseOfMedicalSubstance will be shown. Note that words can have multiple meanings, so one word can be associated with multiple concepts in the ontology as well. For example, a lookup for the Dutch word 'gemeente' results in two different classes: onz-g:MunicipalityArea (a place where you can live) AND onz-g:MunicipalityGovernment (the organization that governs this area). Also note that currently this property has been used for about a third of all classes in onz-g and for Dutch only. Also, the set of associated words is indicative and not exhaustive.
Is vervallen

has representation languageap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: https://w3id.org/mod#hasRepresentationLanguage

has syntaxap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: https://w3id.org/mod#hasSyntax

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/homepage

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/language

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/license

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/mbox

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/modified

narrow matchap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#narrowMatch

number of annotation propertiesap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#numberOfAnnotationProperties

number of axiomsap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: https://w3id.org/mod#numberOfAxioms

number of classesap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: https://w3id.org/mod#numberOfClasses

number of data propertiesap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: https://w3id.org/mod#numberOfDataProperties

number of external mappingsap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#numberOfExternalMappings

number of individualsap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: https://w3id.org/mod#numberOfIndividuals

number of object propertiesap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: https://w3id.org/mod#numberOfObjectProperties

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/page

preferred namespace prefixap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/vocab/vann/preferredNamespacePrefix

preferred namespace uriap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/vocab/vann/preferredNamespaceUri

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/publisher

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/relation

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#repository

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap/repository

root resourceap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://vocab.deri.ie/void#rootResource

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/source

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: https://w3id.org/mod#specializes

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title

terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/type

used in projectap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: https://w3id.org/mod#usedInProject

vocabulary usedap
terug naar Index of Index annotatie-eigenschappen

IRI: https://w3id.org/mod#vocabularyUsed

Concrete Exemplaren

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#CAO_VVT

behoort tot
Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Centimeter

behoort tot
Lengte-eenheid c

Centrum Indicatiestelling Zorgni
terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Centrum_Indicatiestelling_Zorg

behoort tot
Pubieke dienst-organisatie c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#COD-163-CIZ

behoort tot
Codelijst c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Dag

behoort tot
Tijdsduureenheid c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Decubitus

De aandoening 'decubitus' als aanwezig in een Organisme, dus niet de individuele doorligplekken (zie:onz-g:PressureUlcer). Let op: 'decubitus' is een specifiek Nederlandse term!
behoort tot
Ziekte of syndroom c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#EUR

behoort tot
Valutatype-eenheid c

Europees Kwalificatie Raamwerkni
terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#European_Qualifications_Framework

behoort tot
Opleidingsclassificatiesysteem c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Fahrenheit

behoort tot
Temperatuureenheid c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#GBP

behoort tot
Valutatype-eenheid c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#gehuwd

behoort tot
BRP burgerlijke staat-waarde c

Gescheiden na huwelijkni
terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#gescheiden_na_huwelijk

behoort tot
BRP burgerlijke staat-waarde c

Gescheiden na partnerschapni
terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#gescheiden_na_partnerschap

behoort tot
BRP burgerlijke staat-waarde c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Gram

behoort tot
Gewichtseenheid c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Jaar

behoort tot
Tijdsduureenheid c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Kilo

behoort tot
Gewichtseenheid c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Korsakoff

behoort tot
Ziekte of syndroom c

Kwaliteitswet Zorginstellingenni
terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Kwaliteitswet_Zorginstellingen

behoort tot
Gezondheidszorgwet c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Maand

behoort tot
Tijdsduureenheid c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Meter

behoort tot
Lengte-eenheid c

Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sportni
terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Ministerie_van_Volksgezondheid_Welzijn_en_Sport

behoort tot
Ministerie c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Minuut

behoort tot
Tijdsduureenheid c

Nederlands Kwalificatieraamwerkni
terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Nederlands_Kwalificatieraamwerk

behoort tot
Beroeps- en functieclassificatiesysteem c

Nederlandse Zorgautoriteitni
terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Nederlandse_Zorgautoriteit

behoort tot
Pubieke dienst-organisatie c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#ongehuwd

behoort tot
BRP burgerlijke staat-waarde c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#partnerschap

behoort tot
BRP burgerlijke staat-waarde c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#percent

behoort tot
Niet-samengestelde meeteenheid c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#promille

behoort tot
Niet-samengestelde meeteenheid c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#USD

behoort tot
Valutatype-eenheid c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Uur

behoort tot
Tijdsduureenheid c

Verweduwd na huwelijkni
terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#verweduwd_na_huwelijk

behoort tot
BRP burgerlijke staat-waarde c

Verweduwd na partnerschapni
terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#verweduwd_na_partnerschap

behoort tot
BRP burgerlijke staat-waarde c

Vierkante meterni
terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Vierkante_meter

behoort tot
Samengestelde meeteenheid c

Wachtlijst WLZni
terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Wachtlijst_WLZ

behoort tot
Wachtlijst c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Week

behoort tot
Tijdsduureenheid c

Wet Langdurige Zorgni
terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Wet_Langdurige_Zorg

behoort tot
Gezondheidszorgwet c

Wet Maatschappelijke Ondersteuningni
terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Wet_Maatschappelijke_Ondersteuning

behoort tot
Gezondheidszorgwet c

wet verplichte geestelijke gezondheidszorgni
terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Wet_Verplichte_Geestelijke_Gezondheidszorg

behoort tot
Gezondheidszorgwet c

zorginstituut nederlandni
terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Zorginstituut_Nederland

behoort tot
Pubieke dienst-organisatie c

terug naar Index of Index concrete exemplaren

IRI: http://purl.org/ozo/onz-g#Zorgverzekeringswet

behoort tot
Gezondheidszorgwet c

terug naar ToC

c: Klassen
op: Objecteigenschappen
dp: Data-eigenschappen
ni: Concrete exemplaren

terug naar Index

De auteurs willen graag Silvio Peroni bedanken voor het ontwikkelen van LODE, een Live OWL Documentation Environment, welke in dit document wordt gebruikt voor het weergeven van de sectie met kruisverwijzingen, en Daniel Garijo voor het ontwikkelen van Widoco, het programma waarmee het sjabloon is gecreëerd welke is toegepast op dit document.